Jonathan Ely

Mini-Dungeon #041: Feischkammer


(1 customer review)

4 Level 7 Characters

This well-constructed complex is hidden away under, or extremely close to, a large community, ideally one with a strong history of magic. The PCs are initially drawn into a mystery
involving the recently deceased being spirited away from local cemeteries and the disappearance of the occasional passing stranger. Regardless of how the PCs are drawn into the adventure,
they ultimately find themselves within this underground structure.

Mini-Dungeons are single page, double sided adventures for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game which are setting agnostic and are easily inserted anywhere in your campaign.


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1 review for Mini-Dungeon #041: Feischkammer

4.0 Rating
1-1 of 1 review
  1. An review

    This pdf clocks in at 2 pages and is a mini-dungeon. This means we get 2 pages content, including a solid map and all item/monster-stats hyperlinked and thus, absent from the pdf, with only deviations from the statblocks being noted for the GM. Oh, and the series now comes in an archive that also contains…*drumroll* a .tif-version of the map! Yeah, that’s pretty amazing

    Since this product line’s goal is providing short diversions, side-quest dungeons etc., I will not expect mind-shattering revelations, massive plots or particularly smart or detailed depictions, instead tackling the line for what it is. Got that? Great!

    This being an adventure-review, the following contains SPOILERS. Potential players may wish to jump to the conclusion.



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    All right!

    So, for all non-Germans out there: “Fleischkammer” translates, literally, to Fleshchamber. Does not bode well, now, does it? The complex works best, logic-wise, near a sufficient accumulation of raw material, read: victims, for it is the home of one thoroughly nasty man named Hakkar Wolkennen, also lovingly known by his soubriquet “Soulflayer”. The mad wizard is obsessed with the creation of, you guessed it, flesh golems and thus, one of the first obstacles will be for the PCs to dismantle to entry doors to the proper complex, for a flesh golem is holding them barred. The complex itself is sensible and features some nasty traps to further deal with the PCs if the golems and the evil wizard do not suffice. As a minor complaint, the latter is not hyperlinked and making a wizard of this level on the fly can be a bit of a challenge. The complex does reward the PCs appropriately for braving its challenges, though.


    Editing and formatting are very good, I noticed no significant glitches. Layout adheres to a beautiful 2-column full-color standard and the pdf comes sans bookmarks, but needs none at this length. Cartography is full color and surprisingly good for such an inexpensive pdf. The .tif version included here, which you can easily cut up and hand out to the players as they progress is a huge bonus. The pdf does sport one nice piece of original full-color art – kudos!

    Jonathan Ely’s Fleischkammer is a generally well-crafted module that, much like the primary antagonists herein, can be summed up as brawn over brains; the nature of the opposition does mean that magic-users won’t have much to do herein, which is perhaps the one weakness of an otherwise nice mini-dungeon. Having something for these guys to do in the respective combats would have been helpful. That being said, apart from these minor complaints, one can still consider this to be a nice module, particularly to “reward” the group’s melee-characters. As such, this sidetrek receives a final verdict of 4 stars.

    Endzeitgeist out.

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