Rise of the Drow Extra Community Showcase

Community Showcase: Rise of the Drow!

Rise of the Drow is more popular than ever, and our Discord server activity shows it! With all that is on the horizon in 2023, we wanted to make sure we’re giving RotD fans the spotlight they deserve! In this community showcase we’ve collected the best fan contributions to the Rise of the Drow mega campaign.

The Showcase

Whether you grab it and use it or are just inspired by effort, these community contributions are AAWesome! For this showcase we asked each person, “What’s your favorite thing about Rise of the Drow?” But this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to community Rise of the Drow extras! Did you contribute something that’s been overlooked? GET IN THE COMMENTS! There’s sure to be a part two! Check out the #rise of the drow resources channel for the ever-expanding list!

Tim Hibbetts

What really captures my imagination in Rise of the Drow is how the lore of the drow city is woven in the lexical crafting and challenge of the encounters.

Tim is currently working on an unannounced AAW Games project. We can’t wait to see what you create, Tim!

rise of the drow extra rybalkan peninsula map
Rybalka Penninsula by Tim Hibbetts
rise of the drow extra serpent lake hex map
Serpent Lake Hex Map by Tim Hibbetts
rise of the drow extra serpent lake map
Serpent Lake by Tim Hibbetts
Rybalkan Peninsula by Tim Hibbetts

Joseph Kahrs

My favorite thing about Rise of the Drow is the feeling of playing in a living, breathing, grimdark world that has been lovingly crafted and detailed. Everything from the characters to the lore is just begging to be used and abused to fulfill a dark fantasy epic campaign. Simply reading through it gives me tons of inspiration to expand on the existing material or throw together a completely new adventure along the same vein.

You can find “JoeyK” lurking on our Discord server. If you’ve used his AWWesome cathedral maps, ping him and let him know!

rise of the drow extra cathedral reimagined map
Rybalka Cathedral Reimagined by Joseph Kahrs
rise of the drow extra cathedral reimagined map with grid
Rybalka Cathedral Reimagined (grid) by Joseph Kahrs

Jay Speidell

I love how well-organized and detailed the writing is compared to WOTC content. It’s very easy to both run as-written as well as modify content. The story is engaging and a great hook for the adventure. Lots of interesting twists and turns, and lots of variety. I also like the setting. None of my players know it, so it’s all fresh. No existing baggage from Lolth, Menzoberranzan, etc. With the custom setting it’s more of a sandbox.

Rise of the Drow Extra Paper Minis
RotD Paper Minis by Jay Speidell
Krelgar Keep Environs by Jay Speidell

Joe “Erogroth” Tuccillo

My favorite thing about Rise of the Drow is the depth of the characters, mainly the different members of House Gullion. Each has their own motives and goals and this can drive their actions and allow the players a chance to interact with them in different ways. It adds so much to the story of the game.

See more from Joe on his YouTube channel, DM Toolbox!

rise of the drow extra outside cathedral map
Outside Rybalka Cathedral by Erogroth


Thorfnir shares links that would be useful for any Rise of the Drow game, as well as their own work with miniature and paiting! Find them on our server!

rise of the drow extra 3d spider goddess
3D print your own Spider Goddess from Heroes Infinite
rise of the drow extra maelora
Matron Maelora by Thorfnir
rise of the drow extra log roll terrain
Log Roll Encounter by Thorfnir


You can find more of Lumbear’s cartography at their Patreon!

rise of the drow extra city hall map
Rybalka City Hall 1st Floor by Lumbear
rise of the drow extra city hall basement map
Rybalka City Hall Basement by Lumbear
rise of the drow extra barracks map
Rybalka Barracks by Lumbear
rise of the drow extra thirsty serpent tavern map
Thirsty Serpent Tavern by Lumbear
rise of the drow extra thirsty serpent tavern 2nd floor map
Thirsty Serpent Tavern (2nd Floor) by Lumbear


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