AAW Games Best-Sellers

Shop our best-selling books & digital releases

Browse and Shop AAW Games’ Best-Selling titles just like our fans at all of the major game conventions like Gen Con, PAX West, PAX Unplugged, Gary Con, etc.

All the best-selling titles are consolidated here with just a one sentence description and links to all iterations from PDF to hardcover, Foundry VTT to Fantasy Grounds.

all-time best seller: rise of the drow

Rise of the Drow — Levels 1-15, up to 20. 

Underworld adventure, campaign setting, and bestiary all in one hardcover. Everything you need to play is contained within. Best-seller with 180+ Reviews, nearly all 5-stars!

Don’t forget to pick up your encounter deck, vinyl and digital maps, pawn set, audio soundtrack, and player primer. 

PDFHardcoverFoundry VTT / Foundry+HardcoverFantasy GroundsRoll20

Player Books

Underworld Races & Classes — All levels. 

Play 14 new races and subraces, plus a wealth of new alternate classes, class options, + feats.

PDFHardcoverFoundry VTTFantasy Grounds – Roll20*

Occult Secrets of the Underworld — All levels. 

Over 13 new classes compatible with Underworld Races & Classes core book.

PDFSoftcoverFoundry VTTFantasy Grounds

Drider of the Underworld — All levels. 

Lore on the drider species, playable race, and bestiary. 

PDFSoftcoverFoundry VTT

Survivalist’s Guide to Spelunking — All levels. (Book for GMs & Players)

This book includes an array of modular tools and rules to customize your games. 

PDFHardcover (standard)Hardcover (limited)Foundry VTTFantasy Grounds Roll20

GM Books

Applied & Aggregate Spelunking

Underworld adventure teaching the Survivalist’s Guide to Spelunking rules. 

PDFSoftcoverFoundry VTTFantasy Grounds

Mini-Dungeon Tome I (DnD 5e)

Over 130 one-shot adventures for 5e.

PDFHardcover – Foundry VTT* – Fantasy GroundsRoll20Adventure Assistant (free tool)

Mini-Dungeon Tome II (DnD 5e)

Over 140 one-shot adventures for 5e.

PDFHardcover (standard)Hardcover (limited)Softcover (pocket edition)Foundry VTTFantasy Grounds – Roll20*

Rultmoork — Levels 5-7, ending at 8-11 (DnD 5e)

A brutally difficult adventure and dungeon crawl where brains (almost) always beat brawn. 

Get the box set to add pawns, tokens, dice sets, player handouts, and animated maps.

PDFHardcover (standard)Hardcover (limited)Box SetFoundry VTTFantasy GroundsRoll20Alchemy

Mini-Dungeon Tome I (Pathfinder 2)

Over 130 one-shot adventures for Pathfinder 2e.

PDFHardcover (standard)

Mini-Dungeon Tome II (Pathfinder 2)

Over 130 one-shot adventures for Pathfinder 2e.

PDFHardcover (standard)Hardcover (limited) – Foundry VTT* – Fantasy Grounds* – Roll20*

When you buy a Physical book from AAW Games the PDF is ALWAYS free.

* = In Development (Coming soon)

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