An Aventyr Adventure for four to six characters of 2nd-3rd level
Pillars of the Planes is a Chonian nickname for Y’Quenar, a planar temple dedicated to the far-reaching pantheon of multiverse deities. This temple was constructed and imbued with planar energies by the ancient Grekians who once lived in the city of Grekia, the current location of Lake Chonia. The Grekians were not henotheists, nor were they monotheistic polytheists, they were true polytheists and worshiped all the gods equally, understanding the importance of balance in all things. To that end, they imbued the essence of each and every plane in the multiverse into the temple and the pillars was the entry and exit point of such energy and the connection directly to each of these planes.
Long a source of spiritual guidance and the place Grekians would go to “find themselves”, the Pillars of the Planes was abandoned a hundred years or so after Grekia was destroyed. The ancestors of the Grekians became Chonians and Baevonians and life went on. The temple was forgotten a time.
Then, a few years back, a devil-worshipping cult came to the Pillars of the Planes, discovered the connection to Hel and used only that one pillar to tap into true infernal essence, channeling it to the surface of Aventyr.
The cultists built a statue representing their god and imbued it with the infernal essence, thereby granting it the ability to manifest as a true devil, within this plane of existence. Their greatest treasure, a book of all the ancient Grekian locations left in the world, was placed in a treasure chest which would be guarded by the statue while the cult left to find these other locations, and start new sects throughout the land. The cultists delved too deep in their next endeavor and were never heard from again.
Recently, the remnants of a Chonian army took refuge within these walls and some of the survivors were subsequently possessed by infernal malevolence. They conceal their true nature until they venture out to brutally sacrifice all who cross their path in order to appease the devil overlord.
Character States
(L) signifies a lawful character who is unaware of the possession effect. (L) characters become (S) when faced with evidence, or on a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
(S) signifies a suspicious character that has encountered strange occurrences.
(P) signifies a possessed character who acts convincingly to (L) or (S) characters, but displays their true nature and intent once alone or with other (P) characters.
Interaction with the party
(S) who become aware of (P) and are convinced of their evil intentions, will assist the party if combat breaks out; (L) characters will not and may even oppose the party. Roleplay the interaction, changing states accordingly. Use whatever NPC statistics work best for the level of the party: guard, acolyte, priest, veteran, or those provided below.
- Pillars of the Earth
Each of these pillars is engraved with a runic depiction of a plane. The first four are Hel (LE), Hades (NE), the Abyss (CE), and Limbo (CN). The second four are Olympus (CG), the Seven Heavens (LG), Elysium (NG), and Nirvana (LN). If anyone engraves the opposing planar rune on a pillar, that pillar explodes, causing 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage in a 5- foot radius and crumbles to a pile of rubble. A character touching a pillar opposing their alignment suffers 7 (2d4+2) force damage and is knocked prone (no saving throw). A character touching a pillar matching their alignment grants them a boon for the rest of the adventure (GM’s discretion).
2d4+8 guards are on duty here at any time of day. 80% (L), 10% (S), 10% (P) - Blessed by the Divine
This room is the temporary home of numerous healers, all blessed by the deities to provide healing for the troops, and to any commoners seeking refuge here. They will heal anyone requiring assistance, regardless of alignment or affiliation. Six 3rd level clerics (life domain). 4 (L), 1 (S), 1 (P) - Barracks of the Forgotten
Once great warriors and veterans of long forgotten wars, the old swordsmen sleep a deep slumber steeped in depression and recurring nightmares of horrific wars long since ended. Twelve 6th level fighters (+2 weapons/armor) rest here. 9 (L), 2 (S), 1 (P) - Four Pyramid Puzzles
There are four puzzles here which need to be assembled in order to open the door leading to area 5. The players may assemble their dice (or other available objects) in whatever fashion they wish in an attempt to construct four, stable pyramids. Grant inspiration or experience to those who think outside the box. Once four, stable pyramids have been constructed in real life, the door to area 5, will open. - Pillars of the Planes / Toll the Tormented
This room is dedicated to the devil and its statue, still guarding the chest.There are twelve pillars, each holds a planar, runic depiction (analogue to area 1), but this set contains include four additional planes (GM’s choice). A character placing their hands upon a planar pillar of similar alignment may be imbued with a temporary boon (up to GM) while touching an opposing alignment may cause a bane, otherwise they act just like the pillars in area 1. Touching a Pillar of the Planes
Each pillar touched, mentally takes the character into another plane of existence where they experience things as if they were there. GM’s must take some time to research each of the planes and be prepared to thematically describe each one a character may touch. Feel free to embellish, add boons, add banes, throw in additional scenarios, riddles, and more. Have fun with it! A treasure chest sits, covered in dust, upon a trapped dais, in the center of the room, underneath a looming devil statue.Trap on the Chest: A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) or DC 19 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a trap on the chest. This trap may be disarmed with a successful DC 19 Dexterity (thieves’ tools) check.
If the chest is touched before the trap is removed, the dais begins to descend into the ground at a rate of 5 feet per round for 4 rounds. Those standing upon the dais will descend with it. As soon as the dais begins to descend, acid begins to spray from the devil statue’s mouth, into the hole, covering all those within it in acid spray for 3 (1d6) acid damage. This continues each round as the dais descends. By the time the trap reaches the lowest point (20 feet down) the hole will be completely filled with slow-acting acid, causing 7 (2d6) acid damage per round to anyone (and any items) within the trapped area. Those trapped make all rolls at disadvantage and if remaining in the pools of acid for more than 6 rounds will automatically die and subsequently dissolve. Chest contents: An ancient tome titled Grekian Atlas and Historical Records – Volume 1 (2,854 pages, weighing 55 lbs.). This book contains antediluvian lore (leading to future adventures). Devil Statue: Must be destroyed (damage threshold 5, 25 hit points) in order to free the possessed survivors from possession effects, but initial attempts to do so unleash the following creature.
Creatures by Average Character Level
Levels 1-2 = Vemix (bearded devil)
Levels 2-3 = Xaxaxar (cambion)
Levels 4-5 = YiXia (bone devil)
Levels 6-7 = Yioaax (ice devil)
The above devils are simply servants of the devil overlord, still sealed within the statue. If anyone actually destroys the statue, the devil overlord (type up to GM) will be unleashed and begin destroying the temple and everyone inside.
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