The Red Tree of Grudges, Chapter One
The first chapter of The Red Tree of Grudges compatible with DnD 5e 2024 is now complete and free for our Adventure Arcs Subscribers. If you prefer a la carte it is also available piecemeal in our online store.
Learn more about Adventure Arcs here or subscribe via AAW, Patreon, or Discord.

This adventure for DnD 2024 (5e) characters of 1st to 3rd level features lethal winter hazards, chronicles the clashing cultures around Rybalka, and unveils dark forces of the cursed woodlands.
A gifted young mage comes home to the snow-shrouded frontier village of Rybalka after years of study, only to find her family shattered amid unanswered questions about her mother’s recent death. When she disappears into the unforgiving wilds in search of answers, it’s up to your fledgling heroes to track her down. When she awakens ancient, malevolent forces, will the characters help her confront the dark secrets of her past, or will her grief and power unleash the devastating wrath of The Red Tree of Grudges?
🔥Learn about Adventure Arcs or subscribe via AAW, Patreon, or Discord.
Chapter One.
Click an individual cover to read more.
Adventure Arcs and D&D 2024
Getting Started
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I am confused.. The title of the email I received is “Project Update #5: Adventure Arcs – Assemble DnD 2024 Adventures your way! (Canceled) by AAW Games”
Then you rant about how excited you are….
“I’m very excited to share a project that my team and I have been working on for almost two years, the first chapter of which has been completed.
The Red Tree of Grudges: Chapter One
This is an introductory adventure compatible with D&D 2024.
If you already have the new rulebooks and are ready to start a campaign will want to take a look. You can follow the main adventure’s storyline or easily grab pieces from this to insert into your own games/campaigns. Printable miniature files are included!
D&D 2024 Player-facing content such as new backgrounds, lineages, and gear complete with gorgeous artwork are coming soon to our blog.
Read more and check this out here.
Thank you for reading. I hope you have an amazing week!”
Which is it?
And the adventure part one is still in pieces…….
Hello Brian!
Thanks for writing.
We originally ran a Kickstarter (late 2024) but subsequently canceled it and continued working on the project in a digital format. I wanted to notify those backers who were interested in seeing this come to fruition- hence the update to the project that I sent via Kickstarter. Kickstarter just automatically amends my update/email subject with the “(canceled)” bit. Unfortunately, I cannot control how they have that set up on their end. Sorry for any confusion that this caused you, it was not my intention.
Yes, Chapter One is in multiple pieces that may be run sequentially or plugged into your own games as you see fit (modular). That is the idea behind Adventure Arcs so regardless of how you’d like to use them they are ready for you. If you’d like to see the recommended play order please hop over to the main page for Adventure Arc #1: The Red Tree of Grudges here https://adventureaweek.com/dnd-2024-subscription/adventure-arc-1-the-red-tree-of-grudges/
Thank you for commenting and please let us know if you have any more questions, suggestions, or feedback.
Jonathan G. Nelson
AAW Games