
The colors for each giant-type race are in alphabetical order as follows. This also represents the first column of the flag.
Athach – Yellow
Cloud – Dark Grey
Ettin – Light Purple
Fire – Dark Red
Frost – White
Hill – Light Green
Merrow – Deep Blue
Ogres – Brown
Stone – Light Grey
Storm – Orange
Trolls – Dark Green
Underworld – Black
Many millennia ago the titans left Obor to travel the planes and are now no longer considered giants.
It is not yet known if other types of giant exist, such as swamp giants or desert giants. If they do, they are not part of Obor history and the current ruling administration would need to meet to decide how to bring such members into the giant family.
Across the center of the flag are two crossed weapons. The first is an ice mattock, one which has a pick on one side and an adze on the other (rather than two blades) whilst the other is a splitting maul, with an extended hammerhead on one side and over-large axe blade on the other. These represent the four main arms the giants use in two double weapons.
Not represented on the flag are the Elgres, the part elf-part ogres that act as diplomats and ambassadors for Obor. They are considered entirely neutral and therefore no given a place in any political representation of the country, such as membership of the Viceoborovy.
Obor – meaning “Giant”
Obor is also used to mean “knowledge”, “understanding” or “wisdom”, specifically of giants. What other species claim to be knowledge is called “Epatarkka”, meaning inaccurate, imprecise or unclear.
Obor is also used to mean “the light that shows the way”, whether literally as “torch” or metaphorically as in “wisdom”.
Obor is also a reclaimed insult, a derogatory, pejorative, politically inflammatory term. It was slang for animal pen (specifically cattle or sheep) in most lands, many years ago. The giants took the term back when they built the wall around Obor and began their isolationist policies
Obri – meaning “Giants” and the title used by any giant talking to any other creature about giants as an entire species. For many species, Obri and Obor are interchangeable, despite the differences in meaning.
Definicni Obor – meaning values that define giants. It is a divine position, one taken by a member of the clerical council. Although clan leaders are usually member of the Obrovsky, they frequently take advice from the members of this group.
Maakarioborkauppias – meaning “the makers and sellers of giant goods”; all trades belong to this group. It covers all known Crafts, from the most basic wooden utensils to the most complex of locks and traps, and Professions. Within towns and cities, guilds may exist if 10 or more inhabitants are involved in the same activity, but if asked which group they belong to by someone else, a craftsperson or giant of a particular profession will state, “Maakarioborkauppias.”
Maatilaoborllinen – meaning “owner of the giant lands” and the title used by those who farm or cultivate the agricultural areas of Obor. It is also the name used by members of the druid circle for its society. Rangers occasionally move between this group and the Obrovsky.
Mezioborovy – meaning “across all giantkind”. It is an arcane position, one taken by a member of the wizard amalgamation or sorcerer collective. They frequently live slightly isolated lives as their magic can be unpredictable.
Obrovsky – meaning “of the giants”. It is a military position, usually populated by fighters, paladins and barbarians of all types and alignments, which can cause conflict of a deadly nature. It is by far the largest group of giants in Obor. Rangers occasionally move between this group and the Maatilaoborllinen.
Viceoborovy – meaning “for every giant”. A political position usually associated with specific experts, bards and monks. This group can include clan and realm leaders if they wish, although few chose to except on ceremonial occasions.
It is not known if there are any other societies or social structures used elsewhere by yet-to-be-encountered giant types.
Usually called Votun (or very rarely the archaic version, Vutun, which is often seen in the most ancient of giant texts, such as those held by the frost giants) by those who speak it. Originally it only had one form, but each giant-type has developed a dialect of their own as specific regions of Obor grew. It is perhaps the oldest language that exists amongst mortal creatures, with all other languages containing elements of it in either individual word or common phrases. As a language, it can clearly be traced back to Abyssal, Celestial and Infernal roots and is a primordial language.
Individual societal and sub-type dialects and variations are as follows:
Votunobri – the basic language of all giants. Anyone who can speak this can communicate with any creature that is able to speak “Giant”. When most creatures say they can speak “giant”, this is usually the language they mean. However, in terms of complexity, it is a little like a child talking to an adult and giants often chuckle at the lack of sophistication and understanding of what is being said.
Votunmenot – ceremonial language used by all officials, but particularly the Viceoborovy. Complex and enormously descriptive at times, it is punctuated by individual words which sum up what may have just taken 20 minutes to describe. It has a great deal in common with the language spoken by treants, which is another language which can be traced back to primordial times.
Votunmyymme – the trade dialect of the Maakarioborkauppias, indicating that the giant itself, or an item made by the giant, is for sale. The dialect consistently suggests “we sell” as a group rather than individualizing any particular activity, reflecting the belief that all crafts and professions rely on each other to be successful.
Votunruoka – the group dialect of the Maatilaoborllinen, indicating that the group feeds giantkind, both in terms of providing raw food and cooked meals. It is another basic dialect that leaves little room for misunderstanding or use elsewhere. Giant druids use a form of this dialect.
Votunsota – language used by the Obrovsky, full of martial phrases and strident exclamations as well as sections dealing specifically with might, power, arms and armor and battle tactics. It is a relatively straightforward language that can be used without confusion on a battlefield and doesn’t suffer from a possible misunderstanding in meaning when passed along a chain of command. It is at all times a practical and effective dialect.
Votuntaika – language used by the Mezioborovy. Full or mysterious and arcane phrasing, it has elements of Draconic entwined within it. There are a number of mythical and legendary words of power within Votuntaika which act like metamagic feats when sufficiently understood and practiced, although these seem to only work for giants able to wield arcane power of some significance.
Votunuskonto – language used by the Definicni Obor. As the language of religion, philosophy and guidance, it has to be clear and exact at all times. All texts and statements which deal with matters of the gods and the ways of giant life are now all recorded in Votunuskonto, as well as the language they were originally received in. This has made the language a powerful tool in dictating the path the giants will take, as it links together the dictates of the gods over time.
Votunjatti – spoken by the athach. Whilst it is recognized by all Obri that athachs are actually aberrations, they are considered the Children of the Gods (see athach entry). Votunjatti is even more simplistic than Votunobri, a straightforward version that athachs have slipped into over the millennia. Some sages moot that it is in fact the gods’ original attempt at a language for a mortal creature (and that athachs are the first attempt at giants), an idea that is closely studied and debated.
Votunpilvi – spoken by the cloud giants. Although these giants have universally deep voices, the tone and flow of their dialect ranges between dark and brooding all the way to high and wispy, just as clouds themselves. Occasionally used by bards for songs and tales of attempts to take hold of the unobtainable.
Votuntupla – spoken by the ettins. It is an odd dialect, one that is made up of repetition, double explanation or statement and sometimes cross purpose, particularly when arguments are taking place. It is (correctly) thought that the two heads of an ettin can each only speak part of their overall language capability and that if an ettin was to lose one head yet survive, they would find it very hard to communicate verbally.
Votunpalo – spoken by the fire giants, the dialect is, naturally, a fiery one, fully of inflammatory delivery and passionate appeals. It is a dialect that lends itself most easily to arguments and energetic activity. Many giants who wish to motivate those around them who make things include a smattering of this dialect.
Votunkuura/Votunhuurre – spoken by the frost giants, Votunkuura is a dialect with a significant number of clicking and cracking sounds in addition to actual words. Vutunhuurre is a little more delicate and is most frequently used to describe the lands within 100 miles of a frost giant’s home, particularly when discussing details of the natural environment.
Votunkunnas – spoken by the hill giants. Like the hills themselves, the dialect is one that rolls, with noticeable peaks and troughs in delivery. It has a range of words to describe fertile land and is sometimes used by those in the druid circle to get complex points across to those knowledgeable about giants.
Votunmakeanveden – spoken by the merrow. It is a guttural dialect, full of liquid sounds and use of air bubbles in the throat. Not an easy dialect to get to grips with for those who do not speak Aquan.
Votunkaaos – spoken by the ogres. A highly-changeable, ever-adapting dialect that readily picks up words and phrases from other languages and, if spoken for relatively short periods in lands where other humanoids dwell, will morph into a good approximation of that land’s natives’ language.
Votunkivi – spoken by the stone giants, full of rumbles and grinding notes. Elders use a variation called Votunjalokivi when communing with the earth. Although it has close links to Terran, there are no recorded cases of non-stone giant elders being able to speak the dialect.
Votunmyrsky – spoken by the storm giants, it is an all-or-nothing dialect, sounding either at complete calm or alarmingly strident, even when being used, for example, to tell jokes.
Votunparantaa – spoken by the trolls, it is a dialect which can talk endlessly about any topic, given the chance. It folds back in on itself and develops and grows in a seemingly unstoppable way.
Votunalamaailma – spoken by the underworld giants, this dialect is frequently more easily used and understood by Underworld dwellers than other giants when first encountered. If listened to for a week, it becomes clear that it contains much that any other giant does actually understand but is a dark and shadowy version of Votun.
It is not known if there are any other languages or dialects used elsewhere by yet-to-be-encountered giant types. However, giant language and dialect is so heavily influenced by the land within which users live, particularly in delivery, that if giants do live in swamps, deserts or jungles, then it is more than likely that their dialect will have many components strongly influenced by those natural surroundings, such as the soft, shifting sounds of moving desert sands or dripping, lush noises of a tropical jungle.
The basis of all giant religion is called Vodoun. It is a traditional animistic religion; Vodoun origin, history and evolution centres around the vodoun spirits and other elements of divine and arcane essences that govern the Obor, a hierarchy that range in power from major deities governing the forces of nature and giant society to the spirits of individual streams, trees, and rocks, as well as dozens of ethnic vodoun spirits, defenders of a certain clan, tribe, or region as well as the nation as a whole.
The vodoun spirits are the centre of religious life, which is structured around doctrines such as the interaction of spirits (which usually manifest as angels, demons and devils) with living giants. A single adult giant is often a physical equal, if not superior, to an angel, demon or devil, so such interactions aren’t to be feared, more to be learned from.
Adherents also emphasise ancestor worship and hold that the spirits of the dead live side by side with the world of the living, each family of spirits having its own clearly-stated priesthood, sometimes hereditary, when the clerical or druidic responsibility is passed from parent to appropriate blood child.
Patterns of worship follow various dialects, gods, practices, songs and rituals. Vodoun recognises two overseeing creator deities with many lesser spirits called Apulainen (Helpers). The two creators, one divine and one arcane, called Pappi and Salainen respectively, are androgynous beings who combined to bear thirteen children. These children became the principal Apulainen spirits and Pappi and Salainen gave each rule over a realm of Obor.
The creators embody a dual principle of light and dark, in which Pappi represents light and the sun whilst Salainen represents darkness and the moon. Each aspect has good and bad points and is considered in positive and negative ways at different times for different reasons.
Of the thirteen children, twelve are still worshipped today. Each child, all also androgynous beings, now represents one of the twelve remaining giant types that live in Obor. Each giant type is loyal to their patron Apulainen, but gives praise and collection to Pappi and Salainen on appropriate days as well as to the lesser Apulainen of the society, clan and tribe they belong to, and to their own family spirits.
The thirteenth Apulainen represented the titans, who left Obor to travel the planes many millennia ago. They are no longer considered to be part of giantkind and are rarely referred to. It is considered to be extremely rude to talk of titans with any giant.
All creation is considered both divine and arcane, and therefore everything contains the power of both of these forces. This is how medicines such as herbal remedies are understood, and explains the casual use of mundane objects in religious ritual. Vodoun talismans, called “fetishes”, are objects such as statues, dried animal parts or manufactured items that are used for their healing and spiritually rejuvenating properties.
The Definicni Obor and Mezioborovy are entrusted to cast spells on or at enemies on behalf of supplicants, either calling upon vodoun spirits to bring misfortune or harm to a person or group or/and benefit to the supplicant. Sacrifice is a common way to show respect and thankfulness to the gods, usually consisting of something that has taken time, effort and energy to personally produce. Value is of secondary importance to these three factors.
Pappi and Salainen’s youngest child, Kuopus, remains to this day in Obor and acts as a go-between with their other children; it is the principal Apulainen of the ogres and appears as either a young and virile female when something needs to be done urgently or takes the form of an old man when something needs to be learned and time is available.
The other chief Apulainen are listed on the next table. After these principal Apulainen, there comes an entire range of lesser and least spirits. The most visible and easily recognised of these is Airut, a messenger spirit who relays messages between the giant world and the world of the Apulainen. It almost always takes the form of a dark, squat giant with a large bag over its shoulder and a pipe in its mouth. As the mediator between the gods and the living Airut maintains balance, order, peace and communication. Airut’s Pipe is able to cast spells and act as a weapon as it can transform into a two-handed hammer as a free action.
The principal Apulainen of the twelve giant types in Obor are listed below. Each can appear as a male or female as it chooses, or in its natural androgynous form. Each change is usually a free action that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity if undertaken in a situation where it is threatened.
The forms come complete with any clothing, armour and equipment the Apulainen choose to be wearing and carrying at that point. No item worn by an Apulainen remains if it chooses to leave Obor or if it is dismissed or banished. However, it is able to bring specific items to give to giants for a purpose.
The Apulainen
Athach – Ennen
Ennen appears as a five-limbed creature that chooses whichever configuration of limbs is most beneficial at that moment in time. It can change up to three limbs as a free action, but changing four or five is a move equivalent action. Although it mostly appears as either a male or female athach, it can also appear as any four-legged beast that resides in Obor but have an arm sprouting from the middle of its back. Alternatively Ennen will walk amongst the athach as a rogue that is particularly dexterous, and attempt to get them to think about solutions to problems that don’t always involve brute strength.
Cloud – Ylla
Ylla will appear amongst the cloud giants as a male hunter with huskies or a female bard telling tales of lost souls. In both cases the form is neither particularly striking nor overly plain; it is in its actions that Ylla makes its point. It will also appear as a spectacular display of lenticular clouds over important events, either causing fear in the enemy or providing cover for attackers if required. Ylla will sometimes be found in the company of Salama, particularly when the latter is in dragon form, in a cloud form that confounds Salama’s abilities, allow each of them to hone their skills.
Ettin – Kaksois
Kaksois can appear as a martial-looking male or female ettin when it wishes to walk amongst its children. It can also appear as twins that are barely distinguishable from their faces but are clearly one male and one female if viewed in their entirety. The ettin forms are experienced and at their prime, whilst the twins are youngsters looking to gain help from the ettins and are a test of their tolerance and wisdom. Kaksois will occasionally appear as a sage, able to see both sides of an issue, and will mediate on a disagreement that hinders progress, whether of an individual ettin or the whole race.
Fire – Hotkia
Hotkia will appear as a burning fire giant to its followers, either a female cleric or male “paladin”, both of which will look to lead the fire giants it has visited to greater glory. Hotkia will also appear as ceremonial fire at events where such is in place, which is just about every event you can think of that involves fire giants. The flames will be the purest red that any fire giant has seen, with the heat being a cleansing rather than damaging experience.
Frost – Valkoinen
Valkoinen chooses to appear either as a female ranger out to accompany those who face peril alone or as a monk accompanying travellers and asking them to test themselves as a group, perhaps to complete tasks they never imagined they would face. Valkoinen will also appear as snow fall where every flake is the same or as a layer of frost where every crystal is identical. In either case, it takes a cleric of Valkoinen 2d6 rounds to spot this, a follower 2d4 minutes and anyone with knowledge of giants 5d6 minutes. Once the snow or frost has finished falling (3d2 hours), it will rise up into Valkoinen’s androgynous form and consider answering requests.
Hill – Lehti
Lehti appears either as a druid or as a barbarian, male or female. In any of these forms, Lehti is quite young, and always younger than the hill giant it is appearing before. It will often offer to act as a helper for an individual hill giant going about an important or necessary task, slowly showing a more effective or efficient way of completing that task. Only when the task is complete and the hill giant concerned has thanked its new young friend will Lehti reveal itself in its true form, a cross between a hill giant and a treant, although much more like the former.
Merrow – Jokijarvi
Jokijarvi tends to present an appearance that is overwhelming: as a colossal elder water elemental, engulfing island-size patch of sentient seaweed, or a colossal kraken. It is even said that the great lake serpents are a taken form. At other times, Jokijarvi will walk amongst the merrow as a cleric, or very occasionally sorcerer. The merrow aren’t known for their spell casting ability, and every now and then Jokijarvi will conduct an “enlightenment drive” to ensure knowledge is spread by more merrow than shamen and tribal elders. These drives involve finding up to a dozen young merrow and providing the “Mark of All Merrow,” a birthmark that actually taps into innate spell casting ability and brings it forth.
Ogres – Kuopus
Kuopus is generally happy to let the image of ogres as crude boors ride, because it means they have to learn to stand on their own two feet and be rewarded by a distinct place in the world. Taking the typical barbarian form of the ogres, Kuopus encourages robust tournaments designed to let the cream of the ogres rise to the top, even as the god appears as an old man. But at other times, Kuopus walks amongst the ogres as the most charming and eloquent of their type, encouraging a self-expression that is usually held in almost brutal check. Often female, but not exclusively, Kuopus appears as a bard or story-telling illusionist, and revels that the ogres throw themselves whole-heartedly into can last for weeks. These revels encourage the often down-trodden ogres to face a world that despises them with renewed vigour. Kuopus is also the go-between for the other gods.
Stone – Paasi
The stone giant people rarely see Passi, but they know their god is amongst them at all times. Passi IS stone, and has adopted the stone giants because of their affinity with the material, and is present as the mountains and lands the giants live on, work with, and use as tools, homes and weapons. If Passi does appear in a clearly recognisable form, it is as a travelling elder at a moot, or as an expert in some problem, stepping in to advise and guide, but never tell, a stone giant council or individual how to move on from an issue OR not make a mistake through a particular curse of action. Occasionally Passi will take the form of an ideal earth elemental from the dreams of stone giant children, although this is really just a slight variation in Passi’s usual form of stone itself.
Storm – Salama
Salama is a slightly contrary god, usually appearing as the opposite of the storm giant who receives a visit. A heavily-armed fighter will see Salama as a robed monk, a wandering ranger sees a desk-bound mage or sage, an aristocrat sees a commoner, males see a female, and so on. Salama enjoys changing perception as much as the weather, and will present a form that encourages introspection and then release of hidden talents and unexpected innate abilities. If angry, Salama appears as a force dragon of a size sufficient to frighten whoever is the annoyance into an apology; all storm giant tales relate that Salama has never killed anyone or anything in this form, preferring to humiliate them and leave them bereft of all belongings and dignity. However, those tales also say that if Salama does kill someone when in dragon form, it will herald the end of the world. Salama is sometimes found with Ylla, who provides a worthy sparring partner for Salama’s force dragon form.
Trolls – Oliivi
Oliivi was once a simple troll, just like those walk Obor to this day. The difference between Oliivi and the trolls that came before is that the now-god found a way to channel the chaos and evil that trolls live by into unifying forces. Oliivi is actually responsible for introducing the isolationist views that all giants now hold, encouraging trolls to use their chaotic ways to promote troll clans over all others, and their evil approach to ensure troll elite were able to come out on top in any situation. Today, Oliivi will appear amongst the trolls as a ranger or druid of either sex, often when a tribe has fallen to ways that are too chaotic or too evil; after appearing out of seemingly nowhere, Oliivi will once again show that the way for trolls to succeed is to channel their natural instincts outwards onto others, not onto each other. This is a never-ending task
Underworld – Maan–Uumenissa
Little is known about Maan-Uumenissa, even by the underworld giants themselves. Stories say that the god bears the weight of the entire world at all times, and that providing places for the underworld giants to live and thrive is enough to give thanks for. Maan-Uumenissa is actually currently in torpor; when the world was struck by the “Shard of the Sun”, the carnage it caused (such as the Scarred Lands) struck the god deeply, and now Maan-Uumenissa rests to heal wounds that have damaged an entire planet. The god does visit the underworld giants on very rare occasions, usually as the ghost a mage who concentrates on spells associated with stone and force, or as the spirit of an expert stone mason able to carve a place to live from the solid mass of the Underworld. It is rumoured some deep dwarves also worship Maan–Uumenissa, tapping into the god’s ability to work with stone to create particularly spiritual places far below the surface of Obor. If an alliance of these dwarves and giants ever occurs, other races will almost certainly find themselves out of a home.
Athach – The athach people came about as a result of Pappi and Salainen gathering together all the children of the other giant races that didn’t quite match the ideal they had in mind for them. They saw the advantage of a race that confounded belief, both within Obor and without, and ensured the newly-named athach race survived and, in its own way, flourished, with Ennen charged to watch over it. To this day, the athach view themselves as special and chosen, but this knowledge is often enough to drive them to the brink of madness.
Cloud – The cloud giants came into being from the very air, as Ylla, drew air, earth, fire and water together and moulded them into the clouds. To this day, cloud giants are able to show how each of the four elements are part of their “whole”, and explain why this sum is greater than the individual elemental parts. At their death, the most venerated cloud giants are afforded a ceremony which ensures their bodies are returned to the four elements in equal parts, so they can influence the very being of future members of the race.
Ettin – Ettin tales relate that when they were created, their maker Kaksois had so much for them to say and do that two heads were necessary in order to achieve all that was required of them. Unfortunately, Kaksois failed to give any indication which head was in charge and so discord is as frequent a visitor as harmony. It is also said that if the two heads of a single ettin ever achieve complete agreement on every matter for the duration of a full moon, ettins everywhere will rise to lead the Obri nation in a wise and benevolent way.
Fire – Fire giants originally consisted of outcasts from all other societies, hotheads and rabble-rousers who drove others to despair before finding themselves permanently banished in order to save everyone else’s sanity. Many retreated from the land that was known, taking to the depths and lost places away from the hills and mountains that giants were used to living in. Hotkia is talked of as if the god actually walked amongst the earliest outcasts, leading them to the fiery rifts and heights that others ignored. These travels took the nomads to Aitotulivuori, the largest, most internally-active volcano in Obor. From here the fire giant tribes and clans grew, descending deep into the earth at the same time. Eventually a rift to the Elemental Plane of Fire was discovered, and the identity of the fire giants properly established.
Frost – The frost giants hold that they were the first giants, when Pappi and Salainen took it upon themselves to count the flakes of snow that fell on the ring of mountains far to the north of what is now Obor. As they landed, each became a giant; the first of these were the frost giants, who took their place at the top of the mountains. Others that followed became the other races and moved elsewhere to live their live, making the frost giants the pre-eminent members of their species. At least that is what the frost giants say, and who’s to doubt them. Their artefacts are clearly older than those of any other race, whilst vutunhuurre has no direct link with any other Obri language, other than votunkuura. Elderly frost giants are also known to occasionally hibernate, something no other giant-type does.
Hill – Hill giants took their place amongst the other races when no other giant wanted to live on the “lowlands”. Instead, those who found themselves at the bottom of their own hierarchy move away and banded together on the low peaks and wooded slopes of the Obor hills, becoming their own people. Although this life was difficult, without any of the massive majesty other giant environs offer, Lehti show this new clan how to make the most of their new life and home, things which the hills giants still guard with jealousy, even as many secretly wish they could trace their heritage and return to an original home.
Merrow – Although only the most senior clerics or deep-in-trance sorcerers of their will admit it, the original merrow were giants driven from the Obor lands for acting in the worst interests of all Obri. The exact nature of their actions is unclear, but the guidelines of the Definicni Obor make a number of statements that refer to the “outcasts beyond our shores”. To the uninitiated, this seems to simply mean non-giants; internally, it refers to the merrow. Jokijarvi took up their cause at the request of Pappi and Salainen, who ultimately want all giants to live together, yet know that those who don’t think of the Obri first and foremost need to pay a price. This price is being cursed to ultimately have to live in water, with only short periods on dry land.
Saltwater merrow are thought to exist, but are very rare if they do.
Ogres – Kuopus’s ogres have always been viewed by other giants as the children of Pappi and Salainen; they are usually loud, vulgar, and act in an out-of-control manner should they pick up barbarian tendencies. But they have also always been the link between the Obri and the outside world. The elves first realised this and gave the giants a number of islands of their eastern coast, where a part-elf-part ogre race developed and flourished, in order for the Obri to present skilled diplomats to the rest of the inhabitants of the planet. To this day, the agreed representative of all the giants is a member of this race, and has been for as long as giants can remember. As the go-between between his parents and the other apulainen, Kuopus knows what it is like to be an emissary, and ensures the chosen elgres do the very best job they can at all times.
Stone – As Pappi and Salainen created the frost giants, Passi sat on a rock and watched. Eventually the ground froze, and then cracked, as the cold seeped into it. From the shards of rock that were created when these cracks occurred, the first stone giants were formed. They were charged with protecting the ground that made up Obor from the frost giants, offering other giant types a chance to find a place to call home. As caretakers of the land, stone giants take their duties very seriously, and will engage with another creature only until it promises to stop harming the land. Then will turn from foe to friend in a moment, help heal the individuals concerned, and send them on their way.
The stone giants also built the wall that surrounds Obor; along with gnome engineers, the wall was created within a month, with time to spare to have giants everywhere test it by hurling rocks at it. To this day, it has survived any and all assaults.
Storm – The contrary nature of Salama is what drove storm giants to leave the land and take to the air. However, Salama couldn’t quite leave the land behind, and granted storm giants to ability to raise up huge flying citadels that float as might the lightest feather. To this day, tales of aggrieved storm giants uprooting villages and small towns to either save them or punish them occur in equal measure. Storm giants are also called on when drought has occurred as they can, for the right price, ensure enough rain falls to satisfy even the most water-starved area.
Storm giants have also traditionally overseen the flying fortress that holds a sliver of the “Shard of the Sun” in a highly-protected sphere that is used to power a particularly effective weather machine. This particular task has fallen to one family for many years now, as is a task that is undertaken with complete seriousness.
Trolls – Any troll will tell you that they spontaneously stepped from the ground the moment Oliivi decided that it should be so, and that they will never leave the land until Pappi and Salainen ask them to go. This means not only the troll species as a whole, but also the individuals that make up its number, particularly those that are able to spur the troll nation to bigger and better rewards. Within the giant lands, trolls tend to keep to themselves, fitting in with all the other giant types almost unnoticed. However, when decisions are to be made, senior trolls appear seemingly out of thin air to voice their strongly isolationist views. The other side of this is that they make better-suited individuals for certain professions, and can be trusted to the very end once a deal has been struck (unless another troll is involved).
Underworld – As with Maan–Uumenissa, little is known about the history of the underworld giants, more because it is shrouded in mystery rather than individuals not knowing. Nothing is clear about why the original members retreated to the depths, or how they managed to establish themselves once they were there. In fact, the first few giants to retreat into the Underworld were a band who could not decide which of the other apulainen to follow, so left the surface of Obor to follow another path. Maan-Uumenissa found them wandering in despair, and vowed to support them forever onwards, even though the weight of the world was on the god’s shoulders. Since then, Underworld giants have slowly adapted to their home, and are now experts at getting the most from the cold, hard rock around them.
The north coast that runs along the side of the Klavek lands is known as Ydin-koto (Original Home). It is a narrow range of massively tall mountains, some of which are built into the wall surrounding Obor. It is the home of the frost giants, along with many cloud giants and some storm giants. Links to the Elemental Planes of Air and Earth can be found here, although none are permanent. A continuous storm, roughly 10 miles across, follows a circular path that is about 1,500 miles in circumference, travelling at between 15 and 20 miles a day. Much of this storm is out at sea, but it works its way along the coast for about six or seven days of every 86 day cycle
The home of the fire giants is Aitotulivuori, which is about three miles high and surrounded by the taller, frozen mountains (4). It is also situated to the north of Obor, and is considered part of Ydin-koto by non-giants. There are a number of deep rifts around the base of the volcano, at least two of which descend around nine miles underground. At this depth, a permanent link to the Elemental Plane of Fire can be found, although very few creatures, including the fire giants themselves, ever make it there. Any that are encountered are usually extraplanar visitors, with many coming to or going from a summoning, having completed their part of a bargain or spell; almost all are seen leaving with payments of some kind, sometimes in kind.
Ylä–mäki which sits in the bay at the top of mainland Obor, is the greatest peak in the country, standing at roughly 13 miles high. Deep within it are the entranceways to the Underworld and giants that make their home there. At its summit, a frost giant observatory sits, watching the skies for the celestial conjunction that will signal ”The Beginning of the End”. This is either a time when all people will come together to live harmoniously, or is the first in a series of cataclysmic events that will trigger the implosion of Obor and its neighbouring lands. Unfortunately, the frost giants aren’t certain which it is that is going to happen. Outside of Obor, it is known as ”High Tor”.
Off the northern shore are Keha and Kaari (the Ring and the Arc) (5). These islands were formed when debris from the falling ”Shard of the Sun” landed and caused the seabed to rise up above the level of the surface in some places. The islands are often used by merrow as resting places if, for example, storms become too rough, or they are meeting non-giants for, for example, trading purposes. The islands are riddled with caves and narrow inlets, making currents around them treacherous. Giant pirates operate from here. The islands are also rather gem-rich, as the heat from their creation caused much of the raised seabed to turn to gems, but getting them is difficult.
There is a huge mesa plateau, Taivas Tasanko, on a disputed bulge of land that is almost surrounded by Klavek, roughly in the middle of that country’s southern border (3). The mesa is over three miles high and just about 400 miles in circumference, taking up the whole of the ”bulge”. The wall enclosing Obor is even built around the base of the mesa, to ensure continuity. This is where Pappi and Salainen first stepped on the planet, and is still the first stepping stone for all the apulainen when they visit. On the top of the plateau is a martial monastery and place of worship, Luostari. Every giant race is represented here, although it is not an “equal” place; for example, currently the athachs are camped on the roof, whilst the merrow have to change their representatives every few days due to the lack of water.
The entire southern sea border of Obor is one huge military and governmental administrative building called Raja Linnoitus. This building, built entire for giant-sized occupants, is where anyone visiting Obor is officially allowed to enter. Anyone found in the country without the required paperwork issued from this place has just one chance to be taken into custodial care or will be executed on the spot. The giants are very particular about this. Only two groups – all gnomes from Pradjna, and elves who are residents of the Elgres islands – are exempt.
The southern border with the Scorched Lands, and western borders with the unclaimed territories and Pradjna, all have a series of airboat platforms every 50 miles along the protective wall. These towers are roughly half a mile high, with the only landing platform at the top and just one exit at the base. When the Pradjna gnomes helped the giants build the defensive wall around the whole country, the giants gave the gnomes the details of how to make the flying citadels that storm giants use. The gnomes developed airboats for both themselves and the giants, and requested that safe stations be placed on the joint border. These airboats are prized items, in particular those built for giants, and are defended at all costs. Any non-giant or non-gnome in possession of one will find that they receive constant requests to sell it, often for overly-large sums. Neither the giants nor the gnomes like them falling into the hands of other races.
Off the coast of the Vast Swamp, towards its northern border with the Scorched Lands, Obor has ownership of an island, Kadotettu, which is the place where the titans left for other realms. It is unclear whether the loss of the titans from the giant population is considered a good or bad state of affairs; the titans were insisting on being allowed a stronger influence over the entire giant population just before their departure, a situation that was causing internal rifts throughout the rest of the Obri. Eventually the titans’ request was refused and they left, which brought about a return to internal stability and a golden age when the rest of giantkind took significant strides forward. Kadotettu is now inhabited by a force of trolls, land-based and aquatic, that protects the ancient titan departure site from treasure hunters and glory-seekers. These trolls are all extremely experienced druids, rangers and sorcerers, for whom the service of guarding the island is one of great honour.
At the southern end of the Silent Forest, in a bay close to Timaeus and a little further out to sea, Obor has sovereignty of a group of six islands called the Jattaltia. It is here that the ogre-elf clans, the Elgres in Common tongue, live; careful selective matchmaking continues to produce exemplary children who are trained to become the outward-facing elite of Obor. Korkein Esimerkki, 20th-Level Expert, is currently the main contact any of the other races have with Obor (except the gnomes of Pradjna) and he is a member of a prominent Jattaltia family that can trace its mixed lineage back for over 350 generations. These islands are almost identical in nature to the Silent Forest, yet most structures are giant-sized. They also each have an airboat docking tower.
Leaders of the Giant Clans
Athach – Kolme Kadet
5th level bard, 5th level fighter (Cha 13)
Cloud – Tupruta Kevyt
12th level cleric
Ettin – Kaksikko Paa
13th level fighter
Fire – Palo Halko
6th level expert, 6th level warrior
Frost – Routainen Tanner
10th level sorcerer (Cha 18)
Hill – Alava Kumpu
12th level paladin (Wis 14, Cha 12)
Merrow – Vesi Pesa
14th level druid
Ogres – Rumilus Hirmu
13th level barbarian
Stone – Jalo Marmori
11th level rogue (Dex 17)
Storm – Alykas Kipina
14th level wizard (Int 17)
Trolls – Kasvaa Paluu
7th Level ranger, 6th level druid
Underworld – Alempi Kamara
9th level monk (Dex 14, Wis 14)