Adventuring Gear (Arctic) D&D 2024 5E Compatible
Explore arctic environs with this new adventuring gear compatible with DnD 2024 and 5E. Included herein is everything you need to stay warm and survive in frigid arctic conditions.
The following entries are also available to those playing through Adventure Arc #1: The Red Tree of Grudges. Please check with your GM before adding any of this new gear to your character sheet

Clothes, Cold Weather (12 GP)
Cold Weather Clothes are durable, water-resistant, and keep a wearer’s body heat in enough to prevent hypothermia* in cold or arctic conditions where most other clothes leave the traveler vulnerable. Wearing Cold Weather Clothes in normal or desert climates results in hyperthermia*.
*Hypothermia/hyperthermia, Survivalist’s Guide to Spelunking p. 189
Fishing Kit (12 GP)
A Fishing Kit includes: bait, tackle, fishing rod, fishing line, hooks, a slim knife, and a fish net. You can use the Fishing Kit to fish in any aquatic environment with fish. A successful Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check catches 2 pounds of fish, which can be cleaned and prepared to feed one Medium creature for a day, or dried during a Long Rest to make 1 unit of stock* (which weighs 1 pound). A result at least 5 higher than the DC instead nets 8 pounds of fish or 4 units of stock, which might be one very large fish or several smaller catches.
*Survivalist’s Guide to Spelunking, pg. 85
Table A: 1 hour of fishing yields
Scarcity | Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) DC |
Scarce | 20 |
Average | 16 |
Plentiful | 12 |
Overpopulated | 8 |

Grekian Fire (75 GP)
Grekian fire is an extremely volatile liquid that bursts into flame when exposed to air. Grekian ingenuity improved upon the concept by adding a way to arm/disarm the delivery device but only before being thrown. After being deployed a bomb cannot be reset for 1 minute.
When you take the Attack action, you can replace one of your attacks with throwing a bomb filled with Grekian Fire. You choose whether the bomb is armed or unarmed. Target one creature or object you can see within 20 feet of yourself. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 plus your Dexterity modifier and Proficiency Bonus) or take 2d4 Fire damage and start burning.
Ice Climber’s Kit (40 GP)
An Ice Climber’s Kit includes a pair of ice axes, spiked boots, 12 ice-biter pitons, ice-climbing gloves, and a harness. In addition to functioning as a Climber’s Kit, an Ice Climber’s Kit allows one to climb in arctic and frozen conditions such as mountain climbing or scaling glaciers without the slickness of the ice complicating things. You can place a piton using a Utilize action to grant a +1 bonus to any Strength (Athletics) check required to climb within 5 feet of it. It can be removed as a Bonus Action. If an established route* has a total bonus of +7 this way, no ability checks are required to climb it anymore.
You can also use the kit to assemble a bridge if you add planks and rope at least quadruple the length of a span you intend to cross. Doing so takes 10 minutes of work on each side of the gap and uses 8 pitons to create a bridge that lasts 2d10 + 10 days (or less in severe wind). Such a bridge requires no ability check or equipment to cross unless made more perilous by severe conditions.
*More Rewarding Climbing, Survivalist’s Guide to Spelunking pg. 40

Vodakin Shot (1 SP)
An alcoholic drink and a Klavekian’s favorite accompaniment to either a cold and lonely evening or a riotous celebratory merriment. Vodakin is distilled from potatoes (knockoffs use grain but grant no benefits to the imbiber), and used to warm one’s body and vivify resolve. Drinking vodakin grants Advantage on Influence checks using Charisma (Persuasion) checks with Klavekians, regardless of who is drinking the vodakin. If both parties agree to drink 3 or more drinks together information may be shared freely between individuals without any checks though this works both ways so one must be wary of with whom they choose to interface over this very strong drink.
A Klavekian drinking just 1 shot glass of vodakin gains 3 Temporary Hit Points, once per day.
Var’Vodakin Shot (2 SP)
A new alcoholic drink very similar to vodakin yet with magical warming properties, created by Igor Leonid and Yuri Statel with the help of Cual Beartooth and utilizing unique ingredients from the Rybalkan Peninsula, primarily varoot in place of potatoes. In addition to vodakin’s usual effects, it negates the need for Cold Weather Clothes for 1 hour.
Table C: Var’Vodakin Ingredients
Ingredient | Location | DC & Skill Check | Reference |
Fresh water | Any mountain spring or glacial melt | DC 12 Intelligence (Nature) check | Any Vikmordere or Klavek Empire mountains |
Pine berries | Sacred Hamadryad Grove, West Wood | DC 18 Dexterity (Stealth) or DC 22 Charisma (Persuasion) check | A04: Forest for the Trees pg. 7 |
Technique (vodakin) | Rybalka or Cual’s Cabin | DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check Igor, Yuri, Cual | SETTING 1, or A03: Champion’s Rest |
Varoot (boiled) | Dark Wood (edges & interior) | DC 18 Dexterity (Stealth) check or risk fighting devils at edge of wood, interior is certain fight | A02: Devil of Dark Wood and/or A03: Champion’s Rest |
Specialized Footwear
Donning or doffing specialized footwear takes 1 minute.
Tactical Movement. Without any of the specialist footwear suitable for cold survival, any substantially snowy or icy terrain out in the wilderness is considered Difficult Terrain.
Overland Travel. Traveling speed is halved without specialized footwear. The footwear determines the options to overcome challenges.
Table B: Specialized Footwear
Item | Weight | Cost | Special | Traversal Ability/Skill Check |
Hide Boots | 2 lb. | 2 GP | — | Constitution |
Jawbone/Toothed Attachments | 1 lb. | 5 GP | Secure Footing | Strength (Athletics) or Constitution |
Snowshoes | 2 lb. | 5 GP | Weight Dispersal | Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Constitution |
Skis | 6 lb. | 5 GP | Acceleration | Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) |
Hide Boots. Cured hide boots and their remaining hair provides basic grip and lightly binds with slightly melted surfaces. They come with a single walking stick. Snow does not soak through these boots, though full submersion in water does render them useless until dried.
Jawbone/Toothed Attachment. These modified elk or wolf jawbones fit snugly around other boots (not skis or snowshoes) to bite into ice. These spikes ensure steady progress, including along steep slopes.
Snowshoes. Snowshoes are teardrop- or bearpaw-shaped, bone- or wooden-framed, rawhide-latticed frames that attach to the sole of hide footwear or regular boots. Snowshoes come paired with three-to-four feet long support poles that aid balance. They have a wide footprint that spreads the user’s weight and allows them to travel largely on top of, rather than through, snow.
Skis. Skis are narrow, flat blades coming in many lengths that help glide across snowy surfaces. They strap around other footwear, extending forward and backward from the foot. The front is usually turned upward, but only slightly.
Footwear Special Traits
Acceleration. When using skis or similar devices to move down snowy or icy inclines, the wearer’s walking speed is increased by 30 feet. Treat skis as granting the wearer 1 vessel momentum point per movement on a qualifying surface. The item grants Advantage on D20 Tests required to move downhill or cross-country on suitable terrain. Unsuitable terrain, such as extremely uneven terrain or surfaces without sufficient snow or ice imposes Disadvantage on movement-related D20 Tests. This extends to moving uphill without Momentum.
Secure Footing. While wearing footwear with long spikes, the character treats steep inclines, ice and permafrost as regular terrain and does not risk falling Prone as a result of ice or other slippery surfaces that are not substantially harder or firmer than the spikes. These benefits extend to effects like the Grease spell, but only if the attachments can dig into the ground. Terrain the spikes cannot penetrate, such as worked stone, becomes Difficult Terrain.
Weight Dispersal. Snowshoes reduce the effective weight of the wearer for purposes of determining when they break through surfaces by 30 lb, to a minimum of 40 lb. This generally allows walking on top of most fresh snow with a total weight of no more than 250 lb. Additionally, snowshoes halve the time it takes before fresh snow covers tracks.
If you enjoyed this post, please follow us on socials (@aawgames), Discord, or email newsletter to be alerted when new content is posted. If you’d like to play the adventure which this content was designed for, please refer your DM to The Red Tree of Grudges, compatible with 5E and D&D 2024.