AAW Games is proud to be expanding our game room at Gen Con 2023, and we need GMs to run tables!
Here are the game and time options we’re offering for this year:
Rultmoork: Quagmire in the Great Clepsydra (4 hrs, 5E)
The players take on the roles of cultists in the Church of Still Waters as they explore the Great Clepsydra of Rultmoork and spread the heresy of stagnation.
Rise of the Drow: The Darkness Arrives (4 hrs, 5E)
You gather with your companions in the village of Rybalka for the ceremony of the Moonshard on the longest night of the year, but from the darkness an unknown foe attacks and threatens the ceremony.
GM’s Choice Mini-Dungeon (2 hrs – limited availability per GM; 5E, PF1, or PF2)
The GM will choose a one-shot adventure from the Mini-Dungeon Tome or Mini-Dungeon Tome 2. GMs are responsible for providing pregenerated characters of an appropriate level for each Mini-Dungeon slot.
What we’re providing:
By June 1st we will send a PDF copy of all the adventures you’ve signed up for, to give you a chance to run a practice session if you so choose. We will *try* to have pregenerated characters available by this time as well.
At the convention we will have printed copies of all the adventures (in case you aren’t able to print your own), as well as pregenerated characters for your game.
Our game room will also have limited additional supplies for GMs who are unable to bring their own, such as dry erase maps, markers, dice, and miniatures.
What’s in it for you?
As GMs you will receive some AAW swag, a book of your choice, and if you qualify, a comped convention badge. As always, we will do our best to accommodate everyone!
Run any number of games for us and you’ll get a token for a free book at the booth. We’ll have more details on this later, but there will be a selection of books to choose from. If you already own all the books on offer, we’ll come up with something special for you!
Run at least 13 hours* of games for us and you’ll get a free Gen Con GM badge. You will purchase your badge normally, then after you’ve signed up with us as a GM your badge will be refunded through Gen Con.
*13 Hours? We’re using this term to mean: three 4-hour games or two 4-hour games and two 2-hour games. Both of those add up to 12 hours of running games. In either case you will also sign up as a backup GM for a 4-hour slot, that’s the 13th hour! Show up prepared to run the game, but in all likelihood you will be dismissed after all the games for that time slot launch. Don’t worry! Backup GMs who end up running their backup slot will get extra special treatment from the Games Marshall!
How to Sign Up
To volunteer to be an AAW Games GM at Gen Con 2023, just fill out this form. If you have any questions, feel free to email gencon@aawgames or hop on our Discord server.