Klavekian & Vikmordere
The Vikmordere are a communal people, living in the coldest part of the known world, not just surviving, but thriving and bonding with plant and animal alike as they revere the wisdom of the “Ancestor Spirit” and seek a constant balance in the natural world.
The Klavekians are hard-working, industrious people who built great cities and expanded their influence over most of the known world. They are inventors, craftspeople, and conquerors, taking what they want through whatever means possible. Most cultures who try to stop the Klavek Empire fail due to the Klavekians’ disciplined military and sheer numbers.
When the Klavekians originally entered the Vikmordere Valley chasing lowland Vikmordere raiders, they discovered the Quor tribe and their village (later named Rybalka) and decided to lay claim to it. A large war was fought which the Vikmordere lost. As the Quor tribe fell to the Klavekians it became fragmented into three groups: Rybalkan Vikmordere who stayed to live in Rybalka with the Klavekians, Umzear who revere nature above all else and traveled north to live in the frozen forests, and the Wo’Cla, an aggressive tribe who rejects everything the Klavekians stand for.
Vikmordere Valley Backgrounds

Klavekian Explorer
Ability Scores: Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence
Feat: Choose one Origin feat: Lucky or Skilled
Skill Proficiencies: History and Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies: Navigator’s Tools
Equipment: Choose A or B: (A) Navigator’s Tools, Explorer’s Pack, Snow Shoes*, Hide Boots*, Small Rowboat^ Signal Whistle, 6 Torches, Cold Weather Clothing^; or (B) 50 GP.
You hail from the Klavek Empire, the most powerful and influential country in the known world. While you are as hardy, enduring, and industrious as the rest of your people, you could not resist the call to adventure.
Wanderlust struck and you found yourself venturing far from home and into wilderness and undiscovered lands. You are brave but your people are not foolhardy, and you’ve come prepared for anything.
*Wilderness 1, ^Forthcoming!

Rybalkan Vikmordere Artisan
Ability Scores: Strength, Constitution, Charisma
Feat: Crafter
Skill Proficiencies: History and Perception
Tool Proficiencies: Choose one kind of Artisan’s Tools.
Equipment: Choose A or B: (A) Explorer’s Pack, Artisan’s Tools (same as above), Skis*, Hide Boots*, Fishing Kit*, Cold Weather Clothing*, Block & Tackle, Flask, Hooded Lantern, Oil, 22 GP; or (B) 50 GP.
If you do, your family stuck it out as their village was slowly transformed by the Klavek Empire into what is now known as Rybalka. The Rybalkan Vikmordere embrace non-aggression and believe the Klavekians & Vikmordere have things they can learn from one another. It has not been easy for the two cultures to integrate, but there have been noteworthy efforts on both sides.
You have served as an artisan within the tribe, learning the skills and trade of the Vikmordere and the Klavekians. You preserve the Vikmordere ethos of respecting and protecting nature but might also embrace change and technical advancements brought to light by the Klavekians.
*Red Tree of Grudges Adventuring Gear

Umzear Survivalist
Ability Scores: Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom
Feat: Choose one Origin feat: Alert or Magic Initiate: Druid
Skill Proficiencies: Nature and Survival
Tool Proficiencies: Choose one from: Leatherworker’s Tools, Painter’s Supplies, Potter’s Tools, Woodcarver’s Tools
Equipment: Choose A or B: (A) Choose one kind of Artisan’s Tools (same as above), Explorer’s Pack, Snow Shoes*, Hide Boots*, Hand Plant*, Signal Whistle, 6 Torches, Cold Weather Clothing*, 32 GP; or (B) 50 GP.
You are part of the Umzear, a Vikmordere tribe that reveres Mother Nature and the Ancestor Spirit above all else. You grew up learning about different plants and animals native to arctic forest regions. While you revere nature, you are still an integral part of “the hunt” and perform a special prayer and ceremony when taking the life of an animal.
The Umzear lavishly decorate their homes, bodies, and totem poles with the symbols of the natural world. They also prefer to make use of materials that come more directly from the living world and its waters, favoring leather and wood and clay over metal or stone.
*Red Tree of Grudges Adventuring Gear

Wo’Cla Artifact Hunter
Ability Scores: Strength, Constitution, Intelligence
Feat: Magic Initiate: Wizard
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana and Survival
Tool Proficiencies: Choose one from: Cartographer’s Tools, Mason’s Tools, Cobbler’s Tools
Equipment: Choose A or B: (A) Choose one kind of Artisan’s Tools (same as above), Explorer’s Pack, Masterful Climber’s Kit^^, Crampons*, Hide Boots*, Grappling Hook, Rope, Longbow, Quiver 4 Javelins, 4 Torches, Tinderbox, Firewood, 20 GP; or (B) 50 GP.
You were raised in the Wo’Cla tradition of scouring the great arctic glaciers and climbing dangerous cliffs made of solid ice in search of lost magic items. You learned the stories of many such items. The most sought-after artifact for your tribe is the fabled Tri-Stone, an artifact able to somehow harness the energy of the great serpent of Serpent Lake.
Your chief is a Nukpana’Ko-Ta, a vampire of sorts, and makes no attempts to conceal this fact. Many of the tribespeople are in thrall the chief and follow him on regular hunts for ancient artifacts. You might have picked up the training for this pursuit to please him, to meet the expectations of the Wo’Cla, or out of your own eager curiosity.
*Wilderness 1
^^Survivalist’s Guide to Spelunking; More Rewarding Climbing p.39
Arctic Acclimation
Origin Feat
You gain the following benefits.
Hot-Blooded. You have Resistance to Cold Damage. You don’t need Cold Weather Clothes or to spend fuel to keep warm in weather warmer than -40 degrees, protecting you from hypothermia and exhaustion due to exposure.
You gain the following drawback.
Easily Overheated. You have Disadvantage on saving throws against heat and Fire damage, including hyperthermia and to avoid burning.

An industrious and driven people, the Klavekians work and play hard. They tend to live in large cities where they can put their craft talents to work. Nearly everyone in Klavek society finds a lucrative trade and sometimes more than one job to keep them busy throughout life.
The Klavek Empire is a cold and unforgiving place, Klavekians are a strong people well-versed in arctic survival despite their metropolitan roots.
A typical Klavekian can be seen wearing red and black, with the symbol of the red double-headed eagle representing the Klavek Empire. The ushanka, a tall fur hat paired with cold weather clothing is the most common garb worn by the no-nonsense Klavekians who always lean into utilitarianism before vanity. Klavekians tend to be on the short side for humans.
Origin Feats. Your people are industrious and well educated, so Crafter and Skilled are common choices among Klavekian adventurers.
Common Klavekian Names
Female: Didi, Ekaterina, Faina, Leda, Marija, Mokosh, Nyia, Saule, Tanina
Male: Amet-khan, Boris, Helij, Karel, Modest, Romann, Tairov, Velesai, Yarilo

The Vikmordere originate from the Ancestor People who wielded godlike magic to shape the natural world as they saw fit. They created many marvels, but also caused much destruction as greed took hold of their culture. After generations, the Ancestor People lost touch with the natural world and social structures crumbled as nature righted the imbalance caused by overuse of magic. The natural world spoke louder than ever through huge storms followed by famines and loss of life. Within just a few generations of this atrocity the Vikmordere people had left the cities and now taught the harmony of being one with the natural world, speaking to one’s ancestors in all forms: human and animal alike.
Now, the Vikmordere are a communal people, living in the coldest part of the known world—not just surviving, but thriving and bonding with plant and animal alike as they revere the wisdom of the “Ancestor Spirit” and seek a constant balance in the natural world. Vikmordere tend to be tall for humans.
Origin Feats. Your ancestors watch over you. Arctic Acclimation, Lucky, and Tough are common choices for Vikmordere.
Common Vikmordere Names
Female: Bestlanna, Elenna, Hnoss, Kaya, Laufey, Rann, Skaoille, Sygnn, Zuni
Male: Akando, Beli-an, Bragili, Gymirr, Koko, Narfe, Njorror, Uhguku, Varli