Jonathan Ely

Mini-Dungeon #025: The Choker Lair


(1 customer review)

For 4-6 Characters of Level 6

The mountain town of Kraga has changed hands many times; strategically important for its location close to rich veins of iron and copper, it was originally a dwarven community who built structures deep into the ground as well as above ground. Periodically attacked and razed by various tribes of orcs, ogres, stone giants and humans, it has been rebuilt at least four times, leaving the deepest and most ancient structures accessible only by the ancient sewers and subterranean water courses.

Now a heavily defended border town providing refuge for many travelers passing through the mountains, as well as purifying much of the ore pulled from the many mines near the town. Recently the town militia have noted a number of missing people who have entered the town but have never left – investigations have led them to the warren of ancient tunnels and sewers under the city, and they will pay handsomely for adventurers to investigate these losses…..

Mini-Dungeons are single page, double sided adventures for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game which are setting agnostic and are easily inserted anywhere in your campaign.


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1 review for Mini-Dungeon #025: The Choker Lair

4.0 Rating
1-1 of 1 review
  1. An review

    This pdf clocks in at 2 pages and is a mini-dungeon. This means we get 2 pages content, including a solid map (alas, sans player-friendly version) and all item/monster-stats hyperlinked to’s shop and thus, absent from the pdf, with only deviations from the statblocks being noted for the GM.

    Since this product line’s goal is providing short diversions, side-quest dungeons etc., I will not expect mind-shattering revelations, massive plots or particularly smart or detailed depictions, instead tackling the line for what it is. Got that? Great!

    This being an adventure-review, the following contains SPOILERS. Potential players may wish to jump to the conclusion.



    Still here?

    All right! So, the mountain town of Kraga has changed hands a couple of times – but recently, people have gone missing. In the old and true tradition of extermination-quests, the PCs go down to teh sewers and kill the eponymous chokers. The end. Wait…no. The pdf actually does several things right with its take on the sewer level: For once, you can contract disease (NOT filth fever for once!) – more importantly, the chokers the PCs will encounter actually are infused with the elements of earth and water respectively and utilize their abilities to intriguing effects…and yes, there are creatures beyond chokers herein The walkways also feature chances to fall into the sewage and generally, this can actually be considered a solid, fun little extermination.


    Editing and formatting are very good, I noticed no significant glitches. Layout adheres to a beautiful 2-column full-color standard and the pdf comes sans bookmarks, but needs none at this length. Cartography is full color and surprisingly good for such an inexpensive pdf, but there is no key-less version of the map to print out and hand to your players. The pdf does sport one nice piece of original full-color art – kudos!

    Jonathan Ely’s choker lair looks like an unremarkable extermination quest and it is an unpretentious, brief and fun sidetrek that lives mainly by its use of terrain and the clever, templated adversaries and their tactics. This renders the mini-dungeon more fun that you’d expect for such a basic set-up and small file – kudos! That being said, neither skill monkeys, nor characters with social skills will have much to do in this dungeon – it’s pretty much a straight, classic: “Go down, kill everything”-quest.

    Overall, this is a fun, if not universally awesome mini-dungeon, with a final verdict of 4 stars.

    Endzeitgeist out.

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