Adventure Arc #1: The Red Tree of Grudges

This adventure for DnD 2024 (5e) characters of 1st to 3rd level features lethal winter hazards, chronicles the clashing cultures around Rybalka, and unveils dark forces of the cursed woodlands.

A gifted young mage comes home to the snow-shrouded frontier village of Rybalka after years of study, only to find her family shattered amid unanswered questions about her mother’s recent death. When she disappears into the unforgiving wilds in search of answers, it’s up to your fledgling heroes to track her down. When she awakens ancient, malevolent forces, will the characters help her confront the dark secrets of her past, or will her grief and power unleash the devastating wrath of The Red Tree of Grudges?

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Player Content

New D&D 2024 compatible content for your players.
Releases ongoing through March/April 2025

DnD 2024 Backgrounds & Cultures
AAW Blog | Aventyr Adventures

DnD 2024 Backgrounds & Cultures

Klavekian & Vikmordere The Vikmordere are a communal people, living in the coldest part of the known world, not just surviving, but thriving and bonding with plant and animal alike as they revere the wisdom of the “Ancestor Spirit” and seek a constant balance in the natural world. The Klavekians are hard-working, industrious people who […]

d100 Arctic Encounters & Events
AAW Blog | d100 Random Tables

d100 Arctic Encounters & Events

d100 Arctic Encounters & Events Use a d100 for random results, or roll 11d10 and subtract 10 to increase lower-level results. This list offers arctic-themed encounters and events, perfect for icy wilderness campaigns. The Arctic often has fewer creatures than other terrains, so this table includes natural phenomena like polar days, frozen meteors, and environmental […]

Arctic Adventuring Gear
AAW Blog | Aventyr Adventures

Arctic Adventuring Gear

Adventuring Gear (Arctic) D&D 2024 5E Compatible Explore arctic environs with this new adventuring gear compatible with DnD 2024 and 5E. Included herein is everything you need to stay warm and survive in frigid arctic conditions. The following entries are also available to those playing through Adventure Arc #1: The Red Tree of Grudges. Please […]

Chapter Three

Milestone Leveling: Level 2, Level 3 before Saga 3

Free for subscribers

Subscriber FAq

How many releases per week?

Each week AAW Games releases 1-3 new products for the current Adventure Arc. Those will appear on the respective arc we are currently releasing content for. (As of March 2025 this is currently: The Red Tree of Grudges).

How many releases per arc?

There are 32 total releases in an Adventure Arc. You may read more on that here. Since we love our subscribers and the support they provide we will be releasing bonus content for free on top of that quoted amount.

Do I need to wait to start playing?

No need to wait, once you have the first few releases you can have your players start creating characters and get them situated in the setting.

What if I run out of content before the next release comes out?

No problem! We have you covered. Check out any of our Mini-Dungeons (one-shots) or run something from the A-Series as those all take place in and around the village of Rybalka which is our featured setting in Adventure Arc #1: The Red Tree of Grudges.

How do I play these “in order”?

Easy! Start with the oldest release and continue to the newest. Example below.

Subscriber 1, Setting 1, Mini-Dungeon 1, Tactical 1, Wilderness 1, Trek 1, Faction 1, Saga 1. Then continue with 2, 3, and 4.

And remember, you don’t have to play these in order. You can plug & play anything from this Adventure Arc into your own games wherever you need them.

The Red Tree of Grudges is a D&D 2024 adventure for levels 1-3. Arctic Terrain. New monsters, dungeons, backgrounds, species, lineages, sub-classes, soundtracks, miniatures, and more!

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