d100 Underdark-Themed Low-Level Magic Items

Underdark-Themed Low-Level Magic Items

d100 Underdark-Themed Low-Level Magic Items

The treacherous tunnels and forgotten cities of the Underdark conceal many mysteries, and adventurers daring to brave these darkened depths may uncover strange and wondrous magic. For those seeking useful yet balanced magical gear, this curated list offers 100 low-level items designed to complement campaigns set in the shadowy realms below the surface.

Each item carries thematic elements suited for the Underdark’s dangers — glowing crystals, spidery motifs, and dark enchantments that reflect the region’s perilous nature. Game Masters can use these treasures as loot, quest rewards, or even unique craftable items forged from materials found in the caverns.

To generate a random item, roll a d100 for equal odds or roll 11d10 and subtract 10 to increase the chances of mid-range results, ideal for lower-level parties. Whether your players are forging alliances with duergar, escaping drow slavers, or navigating fungal forests, these magical items can enhance the experience without overwhelming the balance of your game.

Prepare your torch, steel your nerves, and delve into the unknown — the Underdark’s treasures await!

Underdark-Themed Low-Level Magic Items

d100 Item Name Description/Effect
01Glowshard AmuletSheds dim light in a 5-ft radius when whispered to.
02Spiderweb CloakAdvantage on saves against spider venom.
03Fungal Bloom PouchProduces edible mushrooms once per day.
04Stonegrip GlovesAdvantage on Athletics checks to climb rocky surfaces.
05Echoing PebbleRepeats whispered words within 10 ft.
06Scentbane MaskFilters foul air; advantage on saves vs. inhaled poisons.
07Vial of Cavernous InkWrites in total darkness; faintly glows for 1 hour.
08Mole’s Eye LensGrants 30 ft darkvision or extends darkvision by 30 ft.
09Venombane RingNeutralizes non-magical spider venom once per day.
10Shard of Sussur WoodSilences a 5-ft radius for 1 minute (1/day).
11Cavern CallerMimics the call of an Underdark bat.
12Drider Fang Dagger+1 dagger that deals 1d6 poison (once per day).
13Torchbug LanternEmits dim light in a 20-ft radius indefinitely.
14Underdark CompassPoints to the nearest fresh water or fungi.
15Flickering OrbGlows like torchlight without heat.
16Spindle of Whispering SilkProduces 20 ft of silk rope per day.
17Gloomscale BracerAdvantage on Stealth checks in darkness.
18Glowcap TonicGrants 30 ft darkvision for 1 hour.
19Webspinner’s AmuletCast *Web* once per long rest.
20Fungus Pet StoneSprouts glowing fungi when watered.
21-50Roll TwiceCombine the results for a unique item.
50Glowbug CharmEmits amber light in a 10-ft radius and grants advantage on Investigation checks to find hidden doors.
51Whispering MaskOnce per day, cast Message without verbal components.
52Gloombane LanternOnce per day, emit bright light in a 30-ft radius that dispels magical darkness for 10 minutes.
53Silken Fang CloakAdvantage on saves vs. spider venom; resistance to poison damage for 1 hour. (1/day)
54Blackheart AmuletOnce per long rest, cast Darkness centered on yourself.
55Echoing StoneEmits a voice repeating the last sentence spoken within 30 ft. (1/day)
56Shadowspike Dagger+1 dagger; on hit, the wielder may teleport 10 ft into shadows. (1/day)
57Lantern of Hidden SightEmits light visible only to its owner; sheds dim light in a 30-ft radius.
58Fungal VeilOnce per day, cast Pass Without Trace.
59Shrouded GemOnce per long rest, cast Silent Image for 10 minutes.
60Glowroot TonicGrants darkvision for 30 ft for 1 hour. (1/day)
61Stonebite Blade+1 dagger; deals an additional 1d6 damage to earth elementals.
62Emberwood TokenOnce per day, cast Control Flames on non-magical fires.
63Venomtooth RingOnce per day, gain resistance to poison damage for 1 hour.
64Dagger of Chittering+1 dagger; whispers spider-like chittering when drawn.
65Echoing ChainOnce per day, cast Thaumaturgy to create booming footsteps or whispers.
66Cavernkeeper’s LanternOnce per day, cast Light that flickers like torchlight but cannot be extinguished by wind.
67Mimic’s Fang+1 dagger; when drawn, mimics the shape of a key held nearby.
68Crystalglow CircletOnce per long rest, cast Detect Magic.
69Duskwatcher’s PendantGrants advantage on Perception checks in dim light or darkness.
70Glowcap LanternOnce per day, cast Guiding Bolt at 1st level.
71Amber CloakOnce per day, grants resistance to cold damage for 1 hour.
72Stonegrasp RingAdvantage on Athletics checks to resist being pushed or grappled.
73Venomfang CloakOnce per day, cast Spider Climb for 10 minutes.
74Shiverglass AmuletOnce per long rest, cast Ice Knife at 1st level.
75Whispershard PendantAdvantage on Insight checks against deceptive speech.
76Frostweave CloakAdvantage on saves against cold weather effects.
77Emberglow RodOnce per day, cast Produce Flame.
78Torchbeetle AmuletOnce per day, emit light in a 20-ft radius for 10 minutes.
79Venombane CharmGrants resistance to poison damage for 1 hour. (1/day)
80Shard of Whispered LiesOnce per day, cast Disguise Self for 1 hour.
81Glowfang Dagger+1 dagger; emits faint green light in a 5-ft radius when drawn.
82Emberstone RingOnce per long rest, cast Faerie Fire in a 10-ft radius.
83Runestone of Echoing StepsCreates illusory footsteps that mimic your movement for 1 minute. (1/day)
84Bloodfang TalismanGrants advantage on Intimidation checks for 10 minutes. (1/day)
85Amber-Glow CharmOnce per day, cast Light in a warm amber hue that burns for 1 hour.
86Fang of the Forgotten+1 dagger; deals an additional 1d6 psychic damage once per long rest.
87Spider’s Thread CloakOnce per day, cast Web centered on yourself.
88Underdark CrystalEmits faint violet light in a 10-ft radius while held.
89Glowspore TrinketOnce per day, cast Dancing Lights.
90Shadowfang AmuletGrants advantage on Stealth checks in dim light or darkness.
91-95Foe-Bane Rune+1 damage to spiders or aberrations.
96-100Item of LegacyItem’s abilities improve as wielder gains levels.

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