d100 Effects of Being Struck by Lightning

d100 – Effects of Being Struck by Lightning

In our world, although 90 percent of people struck by lightning survive, animals – including humans – that experience such an event may suffer severe injury due to internal organ and nervous system degradation, muscle weakening, and harm to the brain.

In game, it is clear that lightning causes damage; indeed it is one of the 13 explicitly listed damage types. But as in the real world, being struck by lightning may do more than “hit point” damage; below are a series of possible effects that linger long after the strike itself. Some effects are continuous, but many are periodic. The specific nature of some effects is left to the GM so they are game-appropriate.

As GM, set a cumulative percentage chance per day (such as 5%) that the strikee experiences one of these effects; however, specific suggestions are included in some entries. While an effect is active, the strikee can still suffer another, although the cumulative chance for it to occur resets back to zero.

1 – Continuous chronic pain at the point where the original strike entered the body. Healing magic relieves this for 12 hours per point of healing received when such healing does no other job

2 – Continuous chronic pain at the point where the original strike left the body. Healing magic relieves this for 12 hours per point of healing received when such healing does no other job 

3 – Continuous chronic pain across the whole body. This doubles the rate of exhaustion when the strikee is active. Healing magic relieves both for 1 hour per point of healing received when such healing does no other job

4 – Ongoing memory trouble when attempting to recall recent information and events less than one year old. 20% of attempts to recall such information fail automatically

5 – Ongoing memory trouble when attempting to recall information and events from between one and ten years ago. 20% of attempts to recall such information fail automatically

6 – Ongoing memory trouble when attempting to recall information and events from more than ten years ago. 20% of attempts to recall such information fail automatically

7 – Cumulative 10% chance per day of a personality change that makes you more charismatic and likable (GM to choose details). The effect lasts for 1d4+1 hours

8 – Cumulative 10% chance per day of a personality change that makes you less charismatic and likable (GM to choose details). The effect lasts for 2d4+2 hours

9– Cumulative 10% chance per day of a mood swing that makes you euphoric (GM to choose details). The effect lasts for 1d4+1 hours

10 – Cumulative 10% chance per day of a mood swing that makes you melancholic (GM to choose details). The effect lasts for 2d4+2 hours

11 – Cumulative 5% chance per day of a period of short temper that lasts 1d4+1 days and leads to a cumulative 10% chance you explode with barbarian-like rage whenever someone disagrees with you. Any such rage lasts 2d4+2 rounds. 

12 – Cumulative 5% chance per day of a period of short temper that lasts 2d4+2 days that leads you to a cumulative 10% chance you withdraw and stay sullenly silent whenever someone disagrees with you. Any sullen silence lasts for 2d4+2 hours. 

13 – Cumulative 5% chance per day of demonstrating intense feelings of paranoia that manifest as delusions of persecution and a general mistrust of all others. This lasts for 1d4+1 days

14 – Cumulative 5% chance per day of demonstrating intense feelings of pronoia that manifest as delusions that everyone and everything has every intention of doing you nothing but good, whatever they do or however they act. This lasts for 1d4+1 days

15 – Ongoing intense fear of the creature or event that delivered the lightning damage that lasts for 6d6+6 months after the initial event. The response to being exposed to the creature or event is identical to that described in the petrified condition

16 – Ongoing intense fear of creatures or events similar to the one that delivered the lightning damage that lasts for 10d10 weeks after the initial event. The response to being exposed to the creature or event is identical to that described in the incapacitated condition

17 – Ongoing intense fear of all creatures or events that deliver lightning damage for 6d12 days after the initial event. The response to being exposed to the creature or event is identical to that described in the frightened condition

18 – Ongoing 5% chance any of the strikee’s actions cause confusion (as per the spell) in others for 1d2+2 rounds after the actions are taken

19 – Ongoing 5% chance any of the strikee’s actions cause them to be confused (as per the spell) for 1d2+2 rounds after the actions are taken

20 – Ongoing constant perception in the strikee that there is a permanent change in their own identity (as per a fugue state) involving 1d2+1 of the following:

A. Name; B. Age; C. Family heritage; D. Place of birth; E. Race; F. Class or status in peer group; G. Alignment; H. Primary ability; I. Least ability; J. Hobbies and/or skills

21 – Feelings of alienation (as in being driven off, or offended) from those around you (other than friends or party members) after spending 3d6+6 hours in any place. The effect lasts for 2d4+4 days

22 – Cumulative 5% chance per day of feelings of alienation (as in being offended by, marginalized, or ignored) from friends or party members. The effect lasts for 1d4+4 hours 

23 – Ongoing 10% chance a general event from before the lightning strike is incomprehensible to the strikee no matter how it is explained, and is completely misunderstood when described 

24 – Ongoing 10% chance a significant event from the strikee’s life prior to the lightning strike cannot be remembered by them, and is utterly disbelieved however and whenever described

25 – Ongoing 10% chance a plan for the future becomes incomprehensible to the strikee when re-stated in terms that were previously clear to them. Another method of explaining the plan has a 90% chance of being comprehended, although it may become incomprehensible once again in the future 

26 – Internal organ damage unknowingly obtained from the lightning strike does not heal. This is only discovered 6d6+6 days after the initial event. By this time one (or more) internal organ(s) never fully recovers no matter what healing is given. The intervention of a deity may reverse this

27 – Internal muscle damage unknowingly obtained from the lightning strike does not heal. This is only discovered 6d6+6 days after the initial event. By this time one (or more) muscle group(s) never fully recovers no matter what healing is given. The intervention of a deity may reverse this

28 – Some minor external damage proves to be irreparable but not insurmountable (e.g. toes fuse together, fingers move differently, eyes focus at different distances). The intervention of a deity may reverse this

29 – Hypermobility is developed in a few (75%; 1d2) or several (25%; 2d3) joints leading to an ongoing 5% chance that the additional extension helps (60%) or hinders (40%) the victim on any given occasion the relevant joint/s is/are used 

30 – Ongoing partial paralysis of one arm (60% upper, 40% lower) that lasts for 1d4+1 hours every 1d4+1 days

31 – Ongoing full paralysis of one arm (60% least used, 40% most used) that lasts for 1d4+1 hours every 2d4+2 days

32 – Ongoing partial paralysis of one leg (60% thigh, 40% calf) that lasts for 1d4+1 hours every 1d4+1 days

33 – Ongoing full paralysis of one leg (60% least used to, e.g., kick something, 40% most used) that lasts for 1d4+1 hours every 2d4+2 days 

34 – Ongoing temporary blindness in one eye (60% least used to, e.g., aim a bow or look through a spyglass, 40% most used) that lasts for 1d4+1 hours every 1d4+1 days

35 – Ongoing permanent blindness in one eye (60% least used to, e.g., aim a bow or look through a spyglass, 40% most used)

36 – Ongoing temporary blindness in both eyes that lasts for 10d4+10 minutes every 2d4+2 days

37 – Permanent blindness in both eyes that never heals. Their hearing may become more acute. The intervention of a deity may reverse this, but it erases any improvement in hearing

38 – The strikee’s retinas are burned so that their vision is reduced in 1d2 of the following ways:

A. Everything is in black and white; B. Everything is blurred images; C. Strikee has tunnel vision; D. Strikee has difficulty with depth perception; E. Everything has a crackling bright yellow outline; F. Everything is seen as a moving smoky shape

39 – The strikee’s optic chiasm is permanently damaged so left is seen as right, and right as left, leading to a 25% chance the strikee, e.g., heads in the wrong direction or chooses the wrong one of two items next to each other

40 – The strikee is affected by ongoing presbyopia. They cannot see close-up objects within 6 inches clearly, or even at all. The distance that cannot be fully discerned increases by 3 inches per year. The intervention of a deity may reverse this

41 –  The strikee is affected by ongoing myopia. They cannot see distant objects, e.g. 300 feet or more away, clearly. The distance that cannot be fully discerned decreases by 10 feet per year. The intervention of a deity may reverse this

42 – The strikee is affected by ongoing anisohypermetropia. In effect, one eye sees distant objects clearly but has presbyopia, while the other sees close up objects clearly but has myopia. The intervention of a deity may reverse this

43 – The strikee is affected by ongoing emmetropia. They have perfect vision which allows them to see twice the normal distance in any light condition, and may even grant them darkvision. This condition may be lost as the result of another lightning strike, or a specific head injury                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

44 – The strikee endures regular and/or frequent waking R.E.M.. Their eyeballs flutter uncontrollably for 1d4+1 minutes every 3d6+6 hours. This prevents the strikee from being able to focus clearly on anything

45 – Daily 25% chance the strikee suffers a hypersensitive allergic reaction to light, including types and frequencies not normally seen such as infrared and ultraviolet, which leads to one level of exhaustion. If the strikee suffers the reaction on consecutive days, the level of exhaustion builds, up to and including death after six consecutive days of hypersensitive allergic reaction. . A day without a reaction reduces the level of exhaustion by one

46 – An ongoing 5% chance per day the strikee sees a series of unconnected sights that convinces them one of the following creature types is coming to harm them. They must avoid the type of creature for 6d4+6 hours at all costs:

A. Ooze trail-leaving aberration; B. Metallic glinting construct; C. Cloud of steam-producing monstrosity; D. Rapid-growing plants; E. Skittering swarm; F. Shadowy undead

47 – The strikee’s eyes gain an aurora-like effect. Dynamic curtains, rays or spirals of different colors playing constantly across the irises and even the pupils. There is an equal chance a viewer either adores or abhors the sight of them and responds accordingly

48 – Ongoing temporary deafness in one ear (50% chance of either ear) that lasts 1d4+1 hours every 1d4+1 days

49 – Ongoing temporary deafness in both ears that lasts 1d4+1 hours every 2d4+2 days

50 – Permanent deafness in one ear that never heals (50% chance of either ear). The intervention of a deity may reverse this

51 – Permanent deafness in both ears that never heals. Their sight may become more acute. The intervention of a deity may reverse this, but it erases any improvement in sight

52 – Both eardrums are damaged so that all noise is heard as if the strikee was underwater or in a heavy downpour. This never heals, but the intervention of a deity may reverse it

53 – Both eardrums are damaged so that all noise is heard as if the strikee was surrounded by a swarm of insects or in a raging fire. This never heals, but the intervention of a deity may reverse it

54 – Ongoing 10% chance each hour of overwhelming tinnitus that induces a migraine that leaves the strikee effectively petrified for 1d4+4 minutes and then lasts for 2d4+4 hours (GM to choose effect)

55 – The strikee develops constant background tinnitus that has a cumulative 5% chance per hour of distracting them for 1d4+1 minutes, making any task difficult to complete. Eight hours of sleep resets this cumulative total

56 – The strikee develops constant forefront tinnitus that has a 20% chance of affecting their ability to complete any tasks that require concentration

57 – The strikee develops constant forefront tinnitus that has a 10% chance of affecting their ability to sleep or successfully gain the benefits of a long rest

58 – Strikee gains greater sensitivity to sound, making them able to hear one particular noise clearly within 30 feet when the noise is coming from a loud crowd or similar cacophony

59 – Strikee gains greater sensitivity to sound, making them able to hear noise clearly at twice the usual distance when there is no other noise to distract them

60 – Daily 25% chance the strikee suffers a hypersensitive allergic reaction to sound, including types and frequencies not normally seen such as ultrasonic, which leads to one level of exhaustion. If the strikee suffers the reaction on consecutive days, the level of exhaustion builds, up to and including death after six consecutive days of hypersensitive allergic reaction. A day without a reaction reduces the level of exhaustion by one

61 – An ongoing 5% chance per day the strikee hears a series of unconnected sounds that convinces them one of the following creature types is coming to harm them. They must avoid the type of creature for 6d4+6 hours at all costs:

A. Slithering aberration; B. Clockwork construct; C. Heavy-breathing monstrosity; D.Sibilant plants; E. Chittering swarm; F. Groaning undead

62 – Constant but minor metallic taste on tongue that makes food unpalatable and leads to a 20% chance the strikee gains no benefit from a meal or specific sustenance they eat

63 – Cumulative 5% chance per hour of a severe metallic taste on tongue that then lasts for 1d4+4 hours. It means the strikee vomits violently when they ingest something, leaving them sickened (as per eyebite) for 2d4+2 rounds

64 – Constant metallic taste on lips that others can sense when the strikee, e.g., kisses them anywhere on the skin

65 – The strikee’s tongue loses all sensation of taste, including that of poisons, and never heals. The intervention of a deity may reverse this

66 – A cumulative 5% chance per day that the strikee enters a period of hypoactivity. This lasts for 2d6+6 hours and the strikee achieves only half what they would normally do in any given situation

67 – A cumulative 5% chance per day that the strikee enters a period of hyperactivity. This lasts for 1d3+3 hours and the strikee achieves twice what they would normally do in any given situation

68 – The strikee forgets permanently how to use 1d4+1 familiar objects, even when shown how to do so repeatedly. The intervention of a deity may reverse this

69 – The strikee gains a 10% chance to quickly learn a complex task, e.g. solve a puzzle or play an instrument, when previously unable to do so. An individual ability lasts for 1d4+4 minutes. Another strike, or a severe blow to the head, may erase this ability

70 – Ongoing loss of the sense of touch in the fingers of one hand (60% least used to, e.g., aim a bow or pick a lock, 40% most used) that lasts for 1d4+1 hours every 1d4+1 days

71 – Ongoing loss of the sense of touch in the fingers of both hands that lasts for 1d4+1 hours every 2d4+2 days

72 – Ongoing 5% chance per hour you lose the ability to grip anything with either hand. This lasts for 1d4+4 minutes

73 – All skin loses the sense of touch, including temperature differences. This does not stop damage from, e.g., fire or cold occurring, but just means the strikee cannot feel the damage when it is suffered. The intervention of a deity may reverse this

74 – Certain materials cause a current to flow from you to any other creature touched by the material (GM’s selection, not necessarily only metals), causing both creatures’ hair to stand on end. The current flows whoever is the holder of the material

75 – The touch of certain materials becomes painful to the strikee. The materials are usually types  touching the strikee when the damaging strike occurred

76 – The touch of certain objects becomes painful to the strikee. The objects are usually things  carried by the strikee when the damaging strike occurred 

77 – An ongoing 5% chance per day the strikee feels a series of unconnected tinglings that convinces them one of the following creature types is coming to harm them. They must avoid the type of creature for 6d4+6 hours at all costs:

A. Slimy aberration; B. Unyieldingly hard construct; C. Damp-furred monstrosity; D.Spiky plants; E. Chitinous and fluttering swarm; F. Chilled-to-the-bone undead

78 – The strikee forgets 2d3+1 simple facts, even when told repeatedly. The information slips instantly from the strikee’s mind. The intervention of a deity may reverse this

79 – The strikee forgets how to link the elements of 1d3+1 complex tasks (GM’s selection of tasks requiring three or more elements). Even when shown in a step-by-step manner, the instruction slips instantly from the strikee’s mind. The intervention of a deity may reverse this

80 – The strikee forgets words from every language they know, and of all levels of difficulty. There is a 5% chance a word cannot be recalled when it is going to be spoken, or read when it is viewed.

81 – The strikee forgets a known language entirely. It is possible for them to learn another language in its place, which takes the usual time, or relearn the forgotten language, which takes twice the usual time

82 – The strikee is suddenly able to speak a new language that is known by others, one in addition to their usual limit. However, the strikee can never read the language after learning to speak it this way

83 – The strikee is suddenly able to speak a new language that nobody else initially knows or understands. It is in addition to their usual limit. The strikee is able to teach the language to others; it takes the usual time for it to embed in the learner’s mind. There are never any example of it as text, and nobody who speaks it is able to write it down

84 – The strikee regularly and/or frequently thinks of one word but writes another, which makes writing something down, e.g. spells, songs, or orders, difficult. There is a 25% chance of these and similar items being incorrectly recorded

85 – The strikee regularly and/or frequently thinks of one word but says another, which makes repeating something, e.g., casting many spells, singing songs, or repeating orders, difficult. There is a 25% chance of these and similar items being incorrectly spoken

86 – The strikee is unable to write anything down unless it is in reverse or mirror writing. This makes anything they write harder to read, and there is a 20% chance a reader is unable to make out what is being read

87 – The strikee is unable to write anything down unless it is upside down. This makes anything they write harder to read, and there is a 20% chance a reader is unable to make out what is being read

88 – The strikee suffers from acute insomnia. This means there is a 5% chance they gain no benefit from a short rest, and a 10% chance they gain no benefit from a long rest or an equivalent relevant period of sleep. The intervention of a deity may reverse this  

89 – The strikee suffers from chronic insomnia. This means there is a 30% chance they gain no benefit from a short rest, and a 20% chance they gain no benefit from a long rest or an equivalent relevant period of sleep. The intervention of a deity may reverse this

90 – The strikee is able to impending lightning, such as when a storm is approaching (1d4+1 hours before it is visible or audible) or when an attack or spell involving lightning is going to take place (1d4+1 rounds before it occurs)

91 – Ongoing cumulative 10% chance per hour the strikee emits a 30-foot-radius cloud of low-level ozone. This renders any creature in the cloud unable to breathe properly while they remain in it

92 – Ongoing cumulative 5% chance per hour the strikee emits a 30-foot-radius cloud of very high-level ozone. This causes any creature in the cloud to suffer circulatory and respiratory problems that last 1d4+1 hours

93 – The strikee periodically oozes blue plasma, often from around their head. There is an equal chance a viewer either is fascinated by or fearful of the sight of the ooze, and responds accordingly

94 – When under pressure, the strikee gives off a red-orange “sprite” discharge from the top of the head and momentarily lights an area like a torch. The flare may or may not cause visual damage to others

95 – Colored permanent bruises like ferns crawl across the strikee’s entire body. Creatures that use lightning as a natural attack all produce an individual pattern, rather like a signature, although families of, e.g. blue dragons, can be traced by noticeable similarities in the bruising

96 – Keraunographic scene of the surroundings where the strike took place is burned onto the strikee’s torso (75%) or the back of their skull (25%)

97 – Keranographic map of the place where the strike took place is burned onto the the strikee’s torso (75%) or the back of their skull (25%)

98 – Keraunographic image of the creature that delivered the strike is burned onto the the strikee’s torso (75%) or the back of their skull (25%)

99 – Sintering – the compacting of soft organic material into tubes – causes skin, fat, muscle or brain tissue to become tubes of hardened sand, rendering the strikee less dexterous. The intervention of a deity may reverse this 

100 – Vitrification – the conversion of organic material into glass – causes skin, fat, muscle, or brain tissue to become glass rods, irregular balls, or plates, rendering the strikee less robust. The intervention of a deity may reverse this

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