d100 Arctic Encounters & Events

d100 Arctic Encounters & Events

Use a d100 for random results, or roll 11d10 and subtract 10 to increase lower-level results.

This list offers arctic-themed encounters and events, perfect for icy wilderness campaigns. The Arctic often has fewer creatures than other terrains, so this table includes natural phenomena like polar days, frozen meteors, and environmental hazards alongside traditional creature encounters.

Encounter Distances

Some entries suggest distances to give characters time to react. Adjust these distances if you’d prefer immediate encounters — but consider adding explanations for why the threat wasn’t noticed earlier.

Rolling for Encounters

  • d100 Roll — Even odds for all results.
  • 11d10 – 10 — This method increases the chance of mid-tier encounters, ideal for low-level parties.

Note: When rolling percentage dice, 00 + 0 = 100, as per the Player’s Handbook.

Encounters & Events (1-100)

01. Frozen Caribou
A mutilated caribou lies frozen in the snow. Large insectile tracks and a dragged tail mark the snow. (Ice devil)

02. Steaming Ground
A patch of melted ice steams in the cold air. Suddenly, a massive centipede-like creature bursts forth. (Adult remorhaz)

03. Bone Field
Bones litter the frozen path. A shadowy figure — a towering yeti — howls from the distance. (Abominable yeti)

04. Frozen Statue
A metal and ironwood statue is half-buried in the snow. A frozen arm clutches an amulet depicting the statue standing over a corpse. (Shield guardian)

05. Invisible Presence
Snow swirls to reveal the faint outline of something stalking you. (Invisible stalker)

06. Dragon in the Mist
A dragon’s silhouette glides overhead, scales dull and faded. (Young white dragon)

07. The Pursuer
A gray-skinned man with burning eyes follows you steadily. He carries two lanyards with severed hands attached. (Revenant)

08. Ice Troll
A pale-skinned troll digs through ice with unnatural ease. (Ice troll)

09. Frozen Hunter
A corpse lies by an ice hole. The victim’s ghost appears, whispering of betrayal.

10. Winter Wolf
A large white wolf freezes a hare in place with its icy breath, then locks eyes with you. (Winter wolf)

11. Ice Dome Dwelling
A low ice dome sits ahead. A veteran hunter emerges, sniffing the air before turning toward you.

12. Arctic Manticore
A snow-white creature with wings and a humanoid face circles above, stalking you. (Arctic manticore)

13. Orcish Duel
An orc stands over two slain allies before grabbing loot and disappearing into the fog. (Orog)

14. Arctic Griffon
A griffon with fish eagle features and a snowy lion’s body circles overhead.

15. Tundra Druid
An elf with ice-blue eyes greets you, pulling walrus-skin tarps from an impossibly small haversack. (Druid)

16. Undead Yeti
A horned skeletal figure appears from the snowstorm and unleashes a deathly howl. (Undead yeti)

17. Bandit Captain
A fur-clad bandit captain carries ivory fetishes and regional tattoos. (Bandit captain)

18. Half-Ogre Hunter
An 8-foot-tall humanoid stands over a sea mammal’s carcass. (Half-ogre)

19. Animated Armor
A plate-armored warrior steadily follows you. Its hollow suit reveals no occupant. (Animated armor)

20-21. Ice Scout
A lone figure on skis approaches and offers aid. (Local scout)

22-23. Ice Mephit Attack
A cold blast from a hidden flying creature strikes the party. (Ice mephit)

24-25. Entrails Zombie
A zombie drags its own entrails, which it mistakes for a rope.

26-27. Winged Kobold
A kobold circles above before dropping a frozen block of ice at you. (Winged kobold)

28-29. Blood Hawks
A flock of angry blood hawks dives at you in retaliation for disturbing their kill. (Blood hawks)

30-31. Bandit Warning
A crossbow bolt thunks into a tree as a bandit shouts a warning. (Bandits nearby)

32-33. Shadowy Owl
An owl silently stalks you, taking advantage of your presence to hunt.

34-35. Aurora Prophecy
An aurora display dances across the sky; a guide claims it’s prophetic.

36-37. Avalanche Threat
Rumbling grows louder, warning of an incoming avalanche.

38-39. Crystal Blizzard
A vicious blizzard formed of ice crystals slashes your face and clothes.

40-41. Hidden Snowdrifts
Massive snowdrifts force you to move cautiously.

42-43. Medicinal Moss
Colossal boulders coated with mosses and lichens may provide a medicinal boon.

44-45. Burning Methane Jets
Blue flames rise from cracks in the frozen ground.

46-47. Polar Darkness
You’ve reached a polar night — no sunlight for the foreseeable future.

48-49. Lost Compass
No one can determine north; even magically inclined creatures are lost.

50-51. Treacherous Ice Path
The ice path ahead becomes unpredictably slick.

52-53. Endless Twilight
The polar day begins, bathing the land in perpetual sunlight.

54-55. Frozen Swampland
Melting permafrost creates frigid swamp patches along your path.

56-57. Bearberry Bounty
Patches of nutritious berries grow nearby, a fortunate find.

58-59. Blizzard Shelter
You fall into a small cave — unexpected but lifesaving shelter.

60-61. Freezing Rain Storm
Rain pierces every gap in your clothing; exposure is inevitable.

62-63. Avalanche Aftermath
Frozen rocks and ice boulders litter the path ahead.

64-65. Meteor Crash
Fresh meteors litter the snow, some containing shards of mithral.

66-67. Frozen Village
A tribe’s abandoned camp offers clues about what drove them away.

68-69. Kobold Guide
A friendly white-scaled kobold offers steaming tea and offers to guide you. (Kobold)

70-71. Giant Snowy Owl
A giant snowy owl ambushes a fox with precision. (Giant owl)

72-73. Aggressive Reindeer
A reindeer with colossal antlers challenges you as the herd guards their young.

74-75. Arctic Skeleton
A skeleton armed with a bow rises and takes aim. (Skeleton)

76-77. Orc Hunter
An orc hunter stalks you with harpoons in hand. (Orc)

78-79. Brown Bear Attack
A hungry brown bear sniffs the air and turns your way.

80-81. Frozen Dragon Wyrmling
A white dragon wyrmling proudly breathes an icy cone skyward. (White dragon wyrmling)

82-83. Half-Elf Duelist
A half-elf warrior in magical armor duels a greataxe-wielding half-orc.

84-85. Fighting Ogres
Two ogres brawl until one spots you and charges.

86-87. Animated Treant
An awakened spruce greets you, asking your intentions. (Treant)

88-89. Whispering Lantern
A lantern flickers in the snowstorm; a scream follows as the light disappears. (Will-o’-wisp)

90-91. Eye of Gruumsh
A victorious orc stands over slain foes, whispering prayers to Gruumsh. (Eye of Gruumsh)

92-93. Air Elemental
A raging storm coalesces into a sinister visage — an air elemental. (Air elemental)

94-95. Polar Werebear
A towering humanoid with ursine features reveals itself. (Polar werebear)

96-97. Frost Giant Hunter
A frost giant carries a massive walrus carcass toward the distant sound of a horn. (Frost giant)

98-99. Silver Dragon
A regal figure greets you warmly — but her eyes shine like polished silver. (Young silver dragon)

100. Frozen Dragon’s Wake
A dragon’s path is littered with frozen carcasses and blue-gray scales. (Adult white dragon)

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