AAW Games Team



This bundle includes all B-Series releases to date, the ultimate collection of adventures by special guest authors.


The following products are included in PDF format within this bundle:



B01: Under His Skin

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four to six PCs of levels 1-2

Saben Behi is lauded amongst his peers for his study of the very nature of magic has touched lives across the world. But he remains secluded, and has suddenly fallen silent after suggesting he was studying the art of necromancy to extend one’s life forever.

The PCs arrive at the wizard’s tower to find it in disarray, rapidly dissolving into a rotten mess. What has Saben brought upon himself – or worse, what might he have become?

Also included in “Under His Skin”:
A new, low-key magical firearm for your gun-toting PCs A contested borderlands and wizard academy to expand your campaign setting Extra-planar intrigue, as the PCs get involved with an overly intere…


B02: Happiness in Slavery

A Pathfinder/3.5 Compatible Adventure for 6-8 PCs of levels 4-6The PCs are just bedding down for the night when the village is attacked by raiders. What at first appear to be simple bandits turns out to be more frightening when they discover the ‘raiders’ are not mere brigands, but foul Orcs. Worse, they have taken captives. With the help of several locals, the PCs must chase down these Orcs in an attempt to return the villagers.The PCs chase the Orcs all the way back to their village. Unfortunately the rescue mission turns into a call for aid, as the PCs discover the Orcs are in as much need as their captives. While under no obligation to do so, the PCs find themselves assisting new (and unlikely) allies.Also included in “Happiness in Slavery&rdq…


B03: It All Falls Down

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four to six PCs of level 6

The Saatman emerald is an artifact, a relic of a long lost civilization that has been safely hidden in the Iroth family vault for years. But now, it, along with thousands of other precious gems have been stolen! A secretive group of duergar, long since driven insane from a curse, have broken into the family home and stolen away with the emerald, which must be recovered before it is lost in the miles of tunnels that lead ever deeper into the world.

But getting the relic back is the easy part! The players will soon find themselves running for their lives, and lost in an underground catacomb as the duergar are more than happy to collapse the tunnels behind themselves. Are the players lost forever, or perhaps, …


B04: The Cave Beast’s Hoard

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for three to five 3rd level PCs.
Woodwall is an enchanted town protected by the very forests that surround it and its citizens are no strangers to the dangers of the woods. A new threat lurks throughout the region, however, a “cave beast” rumored to be the cause of a rash of recent disappearances in the area, leaving the people of this small settlement gripped with fear. There are a few particular locales that the local guard believe the creature frequents—with investigation and guile the party finds different remnants of Woodwall’s ancient past in each spot, along with clues leading to the true malady to befall this enchanted vale. The truth hides within Telonel Keep behind an innocuous infestation of traveling kobolds, but can the…


B05: To Catch a Serpent

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four to six level 10 PCs

The portside city of Tawwa is under attack from within! The PCs find themselves waylaid in the harbor of the busy port city as the government has begun to fall into chaos – a dozen city officials have been murdered over the last month, and the attacks show no sign of stopping. The mayor is panicking, and the harbor has all but stopped. The party has to unravel the mystery, searching the city above and below to find this killer before they strike again!

Also included in “To Catch A Serpent”:
Razorpoint Claws, an exciting new weapon for unarmed fighters and monstrous adventurers The Power of an Oath – a new set of rules for secu…


B06: Cry of Ill Omen

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four to six PCs of levels 8-10

The quaint fairytale village of Prince’s Folly is stuck in a recurring nightmare. The brooks no longer bubble, the children no longer frolic, and the giant daisies have all withered and died.

Every there years the banshee comes to Prince’s Folly to portend the death of a member of the McDonagal family. For seven long nights she wails in anguish and for as long as she cries a darkness descends upon the land. The skies grow dark, the plants wither and die, and even the Great Barrow river runs black as ink. It seems all of creation mourns the death of a McDonagal.

After the death has come to pass, both the banshee and the darkness leave Prince’s Fol…


B07: Beauty & Blood

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four to six PCs of 4th level The small town of Iversdam is threatened by an insane nymph! Accompanied by vicious mites and deadly mountain wolves, the townsfolk have little to defend themselves should an attack come to them. Three villagers have died trying to enter the nearby Silwood, and now an adventuring party has also vanished within. The party must find a way to stop the nymph before she descends on Iversdam and wipes this small town off the map completely.Also included in “Beauty & Blood”:
New Creature! The Mountain Wolf, a more combat focused version of the classic wolf The town of Iversdam, located on a trade route through the mountains Fell materials such as dryad-leather and spider-fang weapons New Item! The B…


B08: Thief in the Night

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four to six PCs of levels 4-6

The city of Bridgefort needs your help! A series of robberies have begun to cause panic and distrust within the city. Witnesses are reporting seeing vampires lurking in the shadows. The Guards are unable to solve the mystery. Even worse, the citizens are blaming these events on the party. Can Bridgefort be saved?
Explore the beautiful city of Bridgefort as you unravel clues to the true nature of the thief. Work through the mystery where the choices the party makes has impact on future events. Fight enemies who use advantages such as smaller size, secret tunnels, and hanging from the ceiling. Complete with details of the city of Bridgefort, a fortified trading city rich in …


B09: Curse of the Full Moon

A Pathfinder/3.5 Compatible Adventure for 4-6 PCs Levels 4-5
“Have you ever been jostled awake by the shrill howl of a terrible beast? Felt the hairs on the back of your neck rise up, and goosebumps wash over your body like death’s cold caress? I have. For the past two weeks, every single night, a big wolf-like beast, covered in thick fur has invaded our normally quaint village, disturbing the peace. Right about the time this thing started appearing folks began reporting odd events in town. The dead are rising from their graves to torment the living. Many townsfolk have begun to pack to leave town. We just can’t live here anymore, it’s unholy and unsafe.”

“If you feel like helping out, the folk here in Rook…


B10: White Worm of Weston

3.5/Pathfinder compatible adventure for 4-6 PCs of Level 12.

In the idyllic country town of Weston a call has gone out for adventurers to slay a mighty white worm. Are you brave enough to face down a mythical beast and save the town? Or will you and your friends be worm food?

The country town of Weston is besieged by a mythical white worm. The townsfolk have been appeasing the worm with tributes and sending out brave adventurers to combat and slay the beast, although all attempts have so far failed. Accepting the deadly mission, our adventurers must delve into the secrets of Weston and uncover a sinister secret by their most trusted ally, Errod West. Will the group allow Errod’s secret to doom the town, or will they allow him to make a…


B11: Fall of House Rodow

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four PCs of level 1

The family of Rodow are no more. When the PCs arrive at the Rodow manor they find the manor to be a burned out husk with corpses of guards and family members strewn about. It is up to the the newly joined party to discover who could commit such an atrocity but traps, monsters, and brigands threaten to put their investigation to a premature end. However, not everything is as it seems…
An adventure designed to start a plot driven campaign Many different endings setting the stage for future adventures New NPCs New Monster, the fearsome Tomb Devil Maps by three time ENnie Award winning cartographer Todd Gamble …


B12: The Right to Arm Bugbears

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four to six PCs of level 5-7

After a series of robberies nearly brought Bridgefort to its knees, the stolen goods have not been found. Now humanoids are gathering in the nearby Forest of Mists and have been exploring ancient ruins using maps stolen during the robberies. Can the party stop these creatures before they are able to raise an army of kobolds, gnolls, and bugbears?
Explore ancient ruins filled with puzzles, traps, and ambushes to prevent a humanoid army from controlling dangerous artifacts., Fight coordinated enemy parties with humanoid mystics, rogues, and archers who use advantages such as higher ground and ambushes. Struggle against enemies who have already set plans in motion to capture or destroy the city …


B13: Frozen Nightmares

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four level 10 PCs

When the mithral rush began in the northern region centuries ago, people from all over the world rushed to the area to find riches and glory. Thus the town of Domandro was born to give the prospectors supplies, entertainment, and a warm bed in the frozen northern plains. However, the town mysteriously disappeared and forgotten even in the fringes of history.

Centuries after the town’s disappearance and the subsequent fall of the mithral rush, one antique dealer named Wilhern Dobbenspeck has stumbles upon a document hinting at the town’s existence. Thinking he has found the historical find of the ages, he has put out a call for adventurers to prove the town ever existed. Little does Dobbenspeck kno…


B14: Battle for Bridgefort

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four to six PCs of levels 6-8

The city of Bridgefort is under siege! Hordes of humanoids are assaulting the city in an organized army. Only the party stands between the enemy and the defenseless civilians of the Western Province. Can they defeat the numerous foe and confont their leader determined to bring about the destruction or enslavement of the kingdom?
Fight enemies who use unusual tactics to attack the city, including tunneling, fly potions, and riding dire bats. Use the parties skills to overcome difficult challenges, such as Knowledge (Engineering), Craft (Alchemy), Diplomacy, and more! Work with notable NPCs who help the party as they move around in the defense of the city without controlling every aspect…


B15: Rito della Successione

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four to six PCs of levels 13-15

The City of Freeport, one hundred years ago; Donadrien died shortly after creating her final opera. Her ghost reappears after each subsequent performance, and always kills one of more of the cast or crew.

Now, fresh off of a remodel of the Freeport Opera House, a previously unknown opera from Donadrien is ready to be performed.

It’s opening night, and the crème de le crème of Freeport is in attendance when Donadrien appears again. In the aftermath, the son of the primary financial backer of the Opera House is found dead, and the Opera House is shut down.

Can the party solve this mystery and help reope…


B16: The Damned Souls of Fenleist

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four to five PCs of Levels 6-7

The isolated village of Fenleist has been plagued by odd phenomena for years and now the spirits of their dead are clawing through the veil between this world and the afterlife! Doroi Tavskern, hunter of the undead, has held these scourges at bay but Constable Vandersmythe has placed a substantial bounty to entice other adventurers to aid the beleaguered lumber settlement.

The PCs, drawn by the promise of wealth, fame or quite literally through the ethereal doings in the ruins beneath the town, are ambushed in the central square by a myriad of creatures from all across the planes that spontaneously appear and as night falls the re-animated skeletons of past denizens walk the streets. The party mu…


B17: Death & Taxes

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four to five level 6 PCs
It’s tax season in Hordenheim, and the free city is about to boil over. A rash of thefts has left the citizenry unable to pay, and a desperate burgomaster has turned to the PCs for help. The party will find themselves hired on as Tax Inspectors, tasked to keep order on the streets and bring gold back to the treasury. With a necromancer sheriff breathing down their necks, a monstrous population near riot, and tax dodgers on every side, the party will have to fight tooth and nail to balance the books…and to keep their heads! Also included in “Death & Taxes”: An introduction to the Free City of Hordenheim, its unusual citizenry, and its scheming burgomaster. A pair of…


B18: Three Faces of the Muse

A renaissance for four to five 7th level characters

One of the greatest artisans of the age dies in a tragic construction accident while completing work on the cathedral dedicated to the goddess of beauty, art, love, and music. Undaunted, the high priest beseeches the goddess to return the great master’s soul to complete the task. Though the blessing is surely granted, the soul of the artist remains trapped in the Beyond. The clues to this mystery lie hidden in the works of the virtuoso scattered throughout the cathedral grounds. Can the PCs interpret the art of the renowned composer, sculptor, architect, and painter in time to free the soul, or will the crowning glory of his life’s work go unrealized? Worse yet, will the jewel of the goddess remain at the mercy of l…


B19: Tower of Screaming Sands

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four level 7 PCs

Deep within the blasted desert wastes a mysterious black tower has been sighted.

The structure is not marked on any known map and has not been seen in this location by travellers in the region, yet there it stands. The adventurers set out to explore this ancient, isolated tower that appears ripe for the plundering. Within they face a gauntlet of insidious traps and supernatural horrors. The deeper the adventurers delve, the more secrets of the tower’s origins they uncover. The tower’s sinister creator does not rest easy in his arid grave – the adventurers must face him if they are to survive the Tower of Screaming Sands.

Also included in “Tower of Screaming Sands”:<…


B20: For Rent, Lease, or Conquest

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four to five level 7 PCs

There comes a point in every adventuring career when a guildhall becomes a necessity. After all, where is the fighter going to hang his trophies? Where is the wizard going to perform his arcane experiments? Fortunately for the PCs, Edgewaith Manor is free for the taking. Unfortunately, it’s a bit of a fixer-upper. There’s some really bad mold in the bathroom, the furnace is temperamental to say the least, and the whole place is infested with interplanar ants. Such are the joys of homeownership.

Even worse, a group of treacherous real estate agents want the house for themselves, and they’ll stop at nothing to get it. Once the PCs gain access to the manor’s magical deed, they will have t…


B21: Shadows of the Deep

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four to six PCs of 5th to 7th level

The sun rises on a beautiful morning to find the farming families of Pindleton already out in the fields, tending their crops and collecting their harvests. Their fields cover many acres, and have always yielded a great enough bounty to not only feed the village, but provide enough for sale at the market in a nearby city… yet the people are in danger of starvation. A danger from the depths of the world has come to the surface, their intentions as dark as their scales, and their plans well calculated and insidious.

Shadows of the Deep introduces a new sub-race of kobold to your campaign, one that has not only survived free in the dark and dangerous world beneath the surface, but thri…


B22: Serpents of Fickle Fortune

A Pathfinder compatible adventure for four 9th level PCs.

It was supposed to be an easy job; find the knucklebone of fickle fortune, kill the thespian gangsters, get paid. Instead the fabric of reality has been torn a new one, and the agents of pure chaos are pouring into Arefast! A protean raid has come to the Material Plane on a scale never before seen. Now the city is beset by swarms of cats, reality-twisting weather, and legions of bickering outsiders interested in only one thing: “lulz.” Faced with such incomprehensible enemies, the party must track down their leader and end the otherworldy assault before Arefast is warped and twisted beyond recovery.

Also included in “Serpents of Fickle Fortune”:
The fragment…


B23: Ruins of Gilead

A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible adventure for three to four 4th or 5th level PCs.

The expedition to Gilead has been shattered from within. Mad with greed for a golden idol, the explorers turned daggers on their peers, murdering one another in paranoia and rage. The victorious killers show signs of demonic possession, and now stalk the jungle in pursuit of their missing treasure. Sent to discover the fate of the expedition, the PCs find themselves deep in the heart of madness far from any civilization. Can they unravel the secrets of Gilead and find the golden treasure before an ancient evil is brought back into the world?

Also included in The Ruins of Gilead:
A branching storyline where mercy, greed, and pride will have severe and sometimes un…


B24: Young Minds

An adventure compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game designed for four to five 8th level PCs

Teaching is a noble profession, and one that’s made more difficult by the unwelcome presence of an intellect devourer. Happily, no one but Dean Derthag Dwarfhewer knows about this uninvited guest, and the learned half-orc would like to keep it that way. That’s why he’s turned to the PCs for help. They must enter the grounds of Leverinac Metropolitan University, locate the body-snatching aberration, and dispose of it without any unnecessary violence.

In order to keep a low profile on the investigation, Dwarfhewer plans to enroll the PCs into Leverinac as students. And since seven-foot-tall barbarians and bearded wizards are a dead giveaway, he will provid…


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