Write for AAW Games

We will update this page with opportunities to submit queries to write for AAW Games. For
advice on writing for roleplaying games, see this page. We expect writers to adhere to our style
guide and the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition. Pay is negotiable for experienced and
proven writers.


Contact thilo@aawgames.com to submit a query for any of the following. Your query should
be clear, concise, and simply stated. Your query is the elevator pitch for your manuscript.

Blog Articles

We are accepting queries to write for the AAW Blog. Individual articles can be on any topic
related to an AAW Games product. Your manuscript should be 800 to 1200 words.
If you are interested in breaking into RPG writing, starting with blog articles is a good way to
familiarize yourself with the development process.


We are accepting queries to create new, original, and unique Mini-Dungeons. You should be
familiar with the Mini-Dungeon format. Your manuscript should be no more than 1200 words.

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